<p>when the UCs claim that the average high school GPA of a freshman applicant is "3.82 unweighted and 4.25 weighted", are they using all grades from 9-12 grade? or is it the UC gpa which is only 10 and 11 grade?</p>
<p>that's weird... are they using a standard GPA system? Cause I know my highschool unweighted GPA is about 3.8, but my weighted GPA is around 4.6... so are their expectations higher or lower?</p>
<p>generally, UC gpa only, which is Soph & Jr grades.</p>
<p>take: the UC's limit bonus points to 8 semester's worth, so a UC 4.6 would be a slacker schedule. To earn a 4.6, an app would have to take 3-4 classes, all of which were UC-approved honors.</p>