<p>Gender: M
Ethnicity: Asian
Location: California
College Class Year: 2013
High School: Public</p>
My school blocks the gpa at 4.32, but if i were to continue augmenting it, I would have around a 4.92
Class Rank: 1/554
Course selection:
Freshman Year:
AP Human Geography 5
Alg II, Physics, Spanish III</p>
<p>Sophomore Year:
AP European History 5
AP Spanish Language 4
AP Biology 4
Trig/Precalc Honors</p>
<p>Junior Year:
AP Calc AB 5
AP Music Theory 3
AP US History 5
AP Spanish Literature 3 (Independent Study) (I actually had a class period for this, but I was the only student and it was me independently reading the required readings)
AP Chemistry 3 :(
AP English Language 4</p>
<p>Then I also independently studied AP Art History 3 :( and AP World History 5(very similar to AP Euro) and took both of those exams too</p>
<p>Next Year (Senior Year):
AP Calc BC
AP Enviro Science
AP Eng. Lit
AP Gov (Both comparative and US)
AP Physics C (although i will independently study for 'B' too and take all 3 exams)
AP Statistics
AP Computer Science AB (or A if AB is discontinued)</p>
<p>..i might also consider independently studying ap psychology and/or ap economics over the summer and take those exams</p>
SAT total 2110 (Will retake)
ACT -32
Math II: 780
US History: 740
Biology Molecular: 730
Chemistry: 710</p>
-Math Team captain 4 years
-Middle Eastern Indian Club Leader for 2 years
--Science Olympiad Chairperson and placed 1st-2nd in regional and state events (9th-12th grades)
-MUN Secretary general for my school and participation for 4 years
-Piano for 10 years
-Tennis all 4 years of highschool
-i'm doing a research internship at UCSF this summer
- have 12 credits (units) at community college for classes i took last summer
-Relay for life club -4 years American Cancer Society
-150 volunteer hours at hospital</p>
-I have 2 great teachers who'll write me recommendations</p>
-Senior year, should I participate in the Academic Decathlon (my school usually wins 3rd-4th at the state competition) and cut down on my AP classes or should I not do Academic Decathlon and have a large number of AP classes. I might get the AP State Scholar award for most AP exams taken.</p>
<p>Colleges of interest
John Hopkins
UC Berkeley
UC Irvine</p>
<p>I'm planning on majoring in Bio/PreMed, Political Science or maybe even History</p>
<p>so where do i have the greatest chance? thanks</p>