UC Irvine Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Here’s hoping no news so far is good news! :slightly_smiling_face:


I posted it in the stats thread for Irvine. My understanding was that I shouldn’t post it here.

@RyanBball432, but you’re supposed to keep it a secret…My DD has UCSC as her top choice (she was accepted for Astrophysics, job prospects don’t seem as great as CS, but it’s her choice not mine). Santa Cruz is really a special place, let’s keep it that way. Collaboration not competition. Maybe you guys will cross paths. Good luck on your college journey.


Yeah… I suppose we should haha. People will eventually notice that it’s a hidden gem. Astrophysics is stellar at UCSC! I’m sure she’ll be doing a lot of research at UCO (Lick Observatory if you’re not familiar with it). If I don’t get into UC Berkeley I’ll be heading to UCSC so there’s a great chance we will cross paths. Good luck on your daughter’s college journey as well!

this is a housing question but does anyone know about the availabilty of gender inclusive housing at UCI… is it good and is it easily available? I am non-binary so I want to keep that as a option potentially

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Did the annoucement come by email or portal? Thanks

My daughter received an email to check her portal for message.


i was in tears when i checked my portal. i got into UCI Nursing (as a freshman) w/ Honors & Regents. so happy for everyone here, and even if you didn’t get an update, don’t sweat it. everything will come soon eventually.


an email saying “there is a status update to your application” was sent, & when logged into your portal, it will show you where to click to check your status if you got honors and/or regents. but all decisions will come out by around march 19.

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Your daughter received it this Saturday or Friday? I was curious if these emails were still going on weekends or not, thx for sharing!

Congrats! Did you receive the email this Saturday?

Thx, that’s really good to know. Hope that’s the case for my kid too! :blush:


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@milkndhoney congratulations! That is great! Will you be sharing your stats on the UCI stats thread? Wondering if my daughter will have a chance. Congratulations again and best of luck to you!

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She got an email saying she was invited to join the Honors Collegium so she figured she must have gotten into the school. So went out and checked her portal and saw she she had been accepted and awarded the Regents Scholarship


that’s so awesome ! i also applied for the nursing program :slight_smile: will you be sharing your stats on the uci stats thread ?

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Thank you milkndhoney for your reply. Didn’t realize UCI decisions are coming out so soon.

Hi I’m new to all this but recently all my friends got an early admission to UCI honors. I was looking through my email and saw that I had gotten an invitation to the honors college in January, and to let them know i was interested. I didn’t fill this out as it was lost under other emails so I was wondering if me not letting them know I was interested would let them know not to consider me for it. I also have no emails from UCI about being accepted yet so not sure how to feel.

Not filling out the Honors college interest form should not have any bearing on if you are admitted to CHP or not. It was more informational and CHP along with Regents is determined by Major department.

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