UC Irvine Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

UCI admits into the University first and then into the major. If you do not meet the threshold for your 1st choice major, then you are considered for your 2nd choice or Undeclared.

I’m here with you. Hoping for the best, but keeping myself ready for anything at this point.

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I cant withdraw as well :frowning: but I haven’t seen anyone being admitted as a drama major… what does this mean???

Yeah that was before. Now it doesn’t redirect me into the form for wirhdrawal

click the link for the form to withdraw. it takes you to another page to the form. it won’t actually withdraw you unless you fill out the form and submit.

OMG, now we can’t withdraw anymore. Looks like they are still working behind the scene! Hold on to it guys!

Can they please send all of this at once this waiting is absolutely terrible :sob: Also I can still withdraw so idk if that’s a good or bad thing I’m literally shaking


you got waitlisted ??

Right? I’ve literally been up the past 1 hour ( it’s middle of the night for me here lol) waiting for uc decsiions

Oh no, now it’s waitlist?!

Waitlisted. Civil Engineering

Looking like the waitlist line

Same I cannot withdraw, too.

I just got waitlisted this is terrible

DS21 admitted. Got the email at 4:22pm but was she was so nervous to open. Admitted into her first choice computer science and engineering. I believe her GPA was 3.6 with amazing EC and strong essays. No SATs or ACTs due to pandemic. Navajo Nation. Very very proud.


How were you notified and at what time?

That’s means they are still working

so if they released waitlist and acceptances, does that mean that rejected is next ??

This is getting too stressful

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