UC Irvine Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Why don’t release all the decisions at one time? It is cruel to make people wait.


Cuz colleges dont care about ppls feelings


theres seem likes theres so many people waiting. it cant all be rejections right? or not idk


Maybe there’s another wave coming next week? These schools have so many applicants and want to protect their yield too so want to invite kids they think really want to attend…

I just don’t understand, almost everyone here is relatively high stats. Aren’t there any applicants with lower than great GPAs? Or only applicants with GPA >= 3.8+ applied this year? :thinking:

At this point, I’m going to give it 25 more minutes before I log off the portal for the night and wait for next week.


I don’t think it’s happening tonight if you haven’t gotten it already. sigh. my nerves are kinda shattered atm I think it’s best to go distract yourself with something and check back in next week.

some people on reddit are getting in

That’s good news!!!

omg theres a status update. lemme check

right now?


i’m sorry :frowning: proud of u tho (I don’t know u but yeah)


i still have not gotten anything. What does this mean ?

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Alright still nothing here im chalking this one up as a rejection

Wait till :30 to see

The decisions most likely will be rolling in from 6:00 to 6:30.


If I canr get into UCI with my relatively high stats, it’s goodbye to most of the other UCs as well :sob::sob:

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does anyone else feel like crying

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