UC Irvine Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

See the waitlist stats on the Waitlist discussion I just started. It will vary from year to year since it depends upon how many students end up enrolling by May 1.


I got waitlisted for psychology!!!

I got the email that my application status was updated at 5:22PM PST today. They said waitlist decisions will go out during the summer so I’m going to enroll at a community college in the meantime since I still want to go to UCI for undergrad even if it’s through transfer. Just worried since historically the acceptance rates for waitlisters is quite low and that a waitlist basically means a rejection :frowning:

Yeah because my last name is very late in the alphabet and I haven’t gotten anything so its possible, but im just speculating. If anyone has gotten a response with a last name that’s late in the alphabet please let us know.

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If enroll at a CC during the summer, then you will need to meet the 60 semester/90 quarter units as a transfer so looking at 2 years before you can transfer. After May 1 is when the waitlist should start rolling so you can sign up for a CC but if you are admitted, I suggest you consult UCI before taking any CC courses if you decide to attend.

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Hey, just know that once you go to another college after high school graduation, you can no longer apply as a freshman (pretty much) anywhere, and that can affect financial aid/scholarships. AND when it comes to the UC’s and CSU’s they infrequently admit anyone as a transfer who is not Junior status credit-wise. So, make sure you’re committed to that transfer route before you embark on it.

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Ok well then there goes that.:confused:

my last name is Y and i heard by 5


Portal just updated- Rejected CS, 4.4 in state

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So there goes that too!:confused:

ugh has anyone else heard back

Appeal letters go in rejection pool right?

Weird how they are rejecting and waitlisting and still people haven’t heard ! Why?! Were there that many applications releasing would have caused a major server issue?

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Got rejected, applied to nursing program
6 AP classes
8 Dual Enrollment with straight A’s
Plenty of extracurriculars
Got accepted to CSUF nursing and SDSU nursing, pending UCLA

Good luck everyone still waiting!


I don’t think so. My last name starts with S

I have heard from friends (so take this with a grain of salt) that while Irvine releases decisions in waves, they do not do it based on the type of decision. This friend received her acceptance in the last wave of decisions two years ago. Again, just a rumor, cannot confirm or deny anything!

could be, i am in the beginning of the alphabet and got my decision

Here is the UC appeal policy for rejections. Appeals | Office of Undergraduate Admissions | UCI

Irvine will allow waitlisted applicants to appeal only if they opt-in to the waitlist. If a student’s appeal is denied, they may remain on the waitlist.

yall im so tired of refreshing


When was your friend’s acceptance? How many days after the first notification?