UC Irvine Class of 2025 — Regular Decision


Glad you have great options. That’s crazy that you were rejected. Who do they think they are? :wink:

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I would assume most people who applied to UCI also applied to UCLA and Berkeley?


Yup, I did!

Congratulations!!! I just got rejected!

Son rejected. At least we know which I’m thankful for. Was low on his list too since it’s local for us. Onward to the next!


So if most who get accepted into UCI and also get accepted into UCLA or Berkeley, I would assume most would choose UCLA or Berkeley over UCI? It would make the yield for UCI pretty low.

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Accepted as OOS for chemistry

3.86 gpa UW with 7 AP’s and 5 dual enrollment classes at the University of Minnesota
National merit commended scholar
Varsity swimmer for 5 years, captain, and state finalist
NHS officer
Swim coach at old middle school
Essays were okay

Kind of surprised I got in it seems like a lot of high state applicants were denied


waitlisted @ 5:00 pm
major: biological science
gpa uw: 4.0 and gpa w: 4.5 (not uc calculated)
7 dual enrollment classes with a’s in all
4 extracurriculars with 2 leadership positions
2 aps (school only began to offer them this year)


There’s no reason, though, to believe that most who get in to UCI WILL get in to UCB and UCLA. The chance of getting in to UCI last year for someone with a 4.2 (capped/weighted) or above was around 60%, but only 37, 38 or something like that for UCB and UCLA.

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Rejected, this hurts

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DS waitlisted in Art
Unweighted GPA 3.8
Weighted GPA 3.97
Lots of EC in subject area

Anyone know the chances of clearing waitlist?

in state, rejected for intl studies

Same I got rejected.

My D21 has same stats and major. I bet she’ll get the same result. Did you have business Econ as 2nd choice major?

The yield for UCI last year was around 20% but you cannot make assumptions that being admitted to UCI means also an acceptance to UCLA or UCB. Completely different levels of acceptance rates between these 3 schools.


to anyone who got waitlisted/rejected/pending: please don’t worry about it too much. this year was INSANELY competitive and college admissions are wild. a school that would be seen as a safety last year does not mean it’s a safety this year. i’m proud of all of you! and you’ll get into wherever YOU fit best.


i put cs as second choice