UC Irvine Class of 2027 Official Thread

D23 got accepted.
Major: Biochem
UW GPA: 4.8
Lots of club leaderships.


son waitlisted

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Rejected for Religious Studies. Alternate was Film and Media Studies😭

DD accepted! First UC
Environmental Science
don’t know exact stats but 3.9ish uw and 4.2ish w
Good luck to all!


applying engineering to all ucs is my worst decision lol

in state
4.8 gpa

But im in UCSD so it’s okay!!!


S accepted Biological sciences

4.0w; 4.58uw; ELC

In state, solid ECs

Accepted SLO, UCM, UCR, UCD, UCSC (CSP invite), UCSD

Good luck to all the kids out there, regardless of decisions they will find their path to success!!!


My S23 just got accepted for Urban Studies, OOS
3.9 UW, 4.6 W (unsure of UC GPA), 9 APs

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D23 waitlisted - major applied to was Data Science


Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Urban Studies


UC Unweighted GPA: 3.9
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.1

Good Essays and EC.

So happy for him


Sorry to hear. Great major! I minored in Religious Studies.

While I await my rejection or waitlist, may I just observe, that the “world class” UC system has an parade of absurdly bad websites. UCSC gets first prize, UCD second prize.

accepted for criminology:))) so happy


where do we find financial aid package?

OOS DD accepted. Applied for Business School - they put her in Sociology. Anyone know how hard it is to transfer? 4.0UW. Student council. FBNIAA at Quantico. 4 year varsity athlete. Lots of community volunteering. International and state DECA.

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Major: Comp Eng
In state
GPA W 4.1, UV 3.6/, UC 3.92
Good ECs and leadership, decent PIQs, p/t job

Decision: D was Accepted! Lots of screams of joy at our house. Still waiting on UCLA

Merit scholarships awarded (if any): no info provided in portal
Major (and division if applicable) applied to: BA Global Cultures

UC Unweighted GPA: 3.89
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.17
ELC (top 9% CA HS): yes

Number of AP courses: 9

Non-traditional ECs, heavy community-based volunteerism with local school board


State/location of HS (if domestic applicant): So Cal
Applied for need-based financial aid? Yes
First Generation? No

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Son accepted, Mechanical Engineering.
posted in portal 4:40 PST
UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.33
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.52
School has +/- on grades, school UW GPA 3.95 at application, 3.92 after 1st semester senior year
School has no AP, self-studied and received 4’s on 2 AP’s, signed up for a few more
ELC (top 9% CA HS): probably not (based on counselor)
Did research, volunteering, sports, coached summer soccer camp, clubs, quite some awards in martial arts
In state, San Francisco private high school, no hooks
Accepted at: UCM, UCR, UCSC, CP SLO, UIUC, UW (Seattle), WPI, for Mech E/Engineering, UCSD for applied math
Deferred at: Georgia Tech, USC
Waitlisted: UCD


Thank you for applying to UCI. After a thorough review of your application, we regret to inform you that we will be unable to offer you admission for the Fall 2023 term.

Within our comprehensive review process, we take great care in the consideration of every application. Admissions officers review each application and carefully balance many factors including but not limited to grades, coursework, honors and awards, work experience, community service, and leadership. We are honored to receive so many applications from such talented students.

Should you believe you have new and compelling evidence to support an appeal of your admission decision, you may choose to submit an Appeal to Selection Decision through your Applicant Portal. You can learn more about the appeal process on our website. Please note that the deadline to submit an appeal is April 15, 2023.

For an appeal to have merit, it must bring to light new academic and personal information, as well as information pertaining to extenuating circumstances that had not been present in the application, and that clearly shows the student to be stronger than had been earlier evidenced. Please note: high grades received in the senior year, recently acquired awards, or an increase in activities are not a basis for the reversal of a decision.

If attending UCI remains your ambition, please consider applying to UCI as a transfer student. For more information about transfer requirements, please visit our transfer admission webpage.

We wish you every success in achieving your educational goals.


Office of Undergraduate Admissions
University of California, Irvine

Here is the change of major criteria and note that change of major is not guaranteeed.

Business Administration
Requirements Description
Cumulative UC GPA Students must meet BOTH requirements:

  • 2.70 GPA

  • 2.00 GPA for the quarter prior to changing major.
    Course grades Students must complete ALL of the following requirements:

  • Completion of Mathematics 2A-B

  • Completion of Economics 20A-B or Management 4A-B

  • Management 7, 30A, 30B

  • An average 3.00 GPA in all required management courses completed at the time of application.
    Other * Applications for change of majors will be processed quarterly. **Please be advised that completion of the prerequisite courses does not guarantee admission into the major; space is very limited. Please consult the Merage School directly with additional questions:ugprograms@merage.uci.edu, 949.824.9426; SB2 Suite 202.

  • Junior-level standing (90 or more units).

  • If the eligible applicant pool exceeds the number of positions available, additional selection criteria will be grades in Mathematics 2A-B, Economics 20A-B, or Management 4A-B, Management 7, 30A and 30B.


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