UC Irvine Class of 2027 Official Thread

How difficult is it to change majors from Humanities to Letters and Sciences?

What is the difference between Regent and Honors?

Regents is a merit scholarship for the top 1-2% of admitted students. There is a cash component along with additional benefits. I believe all Regents recipients at UCI are in CHC.

CHC does not have a cash component to it. You can read more about CHC on the website. https://honors.uci.edu/

Both Regents and CHC receive priority registration at UCI. The order of enrollment window priority is

  1. Disabled
  2. Academic Programs
  • Regent Scholars
  • Campuswide Honors Collegium (CHC)
  • Summer Bridge
  1. Athletes
  2. Military
  • Veterans
  • Active duty
  • Reservists
  • Air Force Reserve Officer Training (UCLA ROTC)
  1. Foster Youth/Former Foster Youth
  2. Student Parents

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Letters and Sciences is a College not a major. What major to what major do you want to change?

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Accepted. Happy tears :slight_smile: after waitisted on SD and Rejected on UCLA.
In state
Elc 9%
3.97 UW
4.4 W
Social Ecology


I just looked up UCI depts/colleges and they categorize the majors differently (?) than Cal. It would be changing from a major to a minor in Classics and then changing to a major in cognitive science (dept of social science) or a biological science maybe neurobiology or genetics.

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Here is the change of major criteria for the College of Biological Sciences: School of Biological Sciences

Minors can be added after you enroll at UCI and work with your academic advisor. Also before committing I always suggest in contacting the Biological sciences department and ask if the change of major is guaranteed by meeting all the requirements. Many times you can meet the requirements but spots may not be available.


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Those are three very different majors (housed in different colleges) at UCI. What is your ultimate goal?

Son Waitlisted CS
-UW 4, W 10&11 grades) 4.9
-18 APs (mostly 5s , few 4’s)
-President of few clubs , research internship , published research, AIME qualifier, USACO, Robotics, national/ international: state awards,non profit organization
-Very good PIQ’s
-ELC 9%
-Got into UCSC (CSP), UCD, UCR all with merit scholarships
-also got in OOS T20s with scholarships.
Waitlisted today by UCI, UCLA and UCSD. He was really hoping to get in one of these .

when will they release aids/scholarship decisions?

They have already released Regents since I saw 1 post. Not sure about the other scholarships or FA.

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When D applied she was hoping to major in classics and minor in a science with possibility of medical school. But months have past and her interest is now veering towards neuro related majors (due to a recent class she’s taking). So she is considering a minor in Classics/Modern Language and major in a science that could cover the requirements for medical school or even grad school for neuro-related fields.

im an early graduate
accepted eco and evo bio for uci
UC Unweighted GPA: 3.88
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.75
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.75
7 aps, apw, ap calc ab and bc, apes, apush, ap lit, ap bio

pres of a three clubs, science and div related, internships, cm of orch, etc

essays were rlly good, talked ab cleft lip and palate, diversity, leadership, scioly, and connection to bio

sorry if this was sent in too late! Gl to all the wailists and those who got rejected there are plenty of other schools so gl to you guys as well: )

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It may be very earnest on her part but colleges and universities are leery of students applying into what might be an easier major for admission and then trying to transfer into a more competitive major.

At UCI in particular, the School of Social Sciences warns students that Cognitive Science is not a pre-med major. By that, they mean that it is difficult for students to take the courses needed to apply for med school. You might look into that, and speak to an advisor in the department to verify.


Is that your real name? If so, it is advised that you change it.

Congrats…did you get any scholarships?

I can understand how UCI would see the change. Would a double major be an option? Many of D’s ECs were (are) centered in ancient and modern languages.

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This is our line up too for tonight. Congrats! UCSD is a top school. My husband’s alma mater, so he’s pleased our son got in. It’s crazy competitive.

Our son accepted to UCSD, waitlisted to UCI, and rejected at UCLA.

4.0 UW
4.4 W
National Merit Finalist
Eagle Scout

Congrats to everyone.


For med school, one can major in any subject as long as they take the pre-req courses for the med program that they are applying to. The difficult part is that some undergrad colleges give priority enrollment to students that are STEM majors, making it difficult for non STEM majors to take the necessary classes.

You might have her reach out to the Pre-Health Advising at UCI and see if they can help answer questions. Note that the Pre-Health Advising is housed in the School of Biological Sciences.