UC Irvine Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

UCI March Decisions will be posting soon so I have started the Waitlist/Appeal discussion. There is not waitlist statement or LOCI. Students need to opt into the waitlist. You cannot appeal a decision if you are on the waitlist or appeal to get onto the waitlist.

Here was the Waitlist timeline for 2022:
1st wave April 19, 2nd wave April 24, trickle of admits June 6,June 17. Waitlist closed July 9.

Below are some Waitlist stats from the last few years. Remember the # admitted varies from year to year.

2022 Numbers from the Counselor conference. CDS numbers not posted.
Offers: 23904
Admits: 4818

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on the waitlist: 8765
Number accepting a place on the waitlist: 1288
Number of waitlisted students admitted: 189

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 18621
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 11081
Number of waitlisted students admitted: 2664

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list-17018
Number accepting a place on the waiting list-8608
Number of waitlisted students admitted-1610

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list-12522
Number accepting a place on the waiting list-6428
Number of waitlisted students admitted-136

Appeals link: Appeals | Office of Undergraduate Admissions | UCI


Any word when we can expect to hear from UCI?

Usually you can hear after the May 1 SIR deadline but if spots open up before then like last year, then they will pull from the waitlist.

2022 timeline:
1st wave April 19, 2nd wave April 24, trickle of admits June 6, June 17. Waitlist closed July 9.

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Any waitlist data from 2022??? How many were admitted from the waitlist?

Data is on the waitlist discussion thread. Admits by major are not listed.


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2022 Numbers from the Counselor conference. CDS numbers not posted.
Offers: 23904
Admits: 4818

Just making sure I understand. What do you mean by accepted? Total acceptances? Or waitlisted kids who accepted a spot on waitlist. Was a bit confused vs the CDS verified data from prior years. Thanks

CDS for 22-23 is not posted for UCI. The 2022 waitlist data is from the UC Counselor conference and all that was listed was the # of applicants waitlisted and how many they admitted off the waitlist. The # of applicants that accepted/opted into the waitlist was not given.

Got it thanks. So there’s that much year to year variability in wait list admits? From 189 in 2021 to 4000+ in 2022? I see similar variability in some of the prior years too. Just yield variability driven?

I think the pandemic years data are an aberration.


My son just opt in, aerospace engineering

How does UCI start admitting from Waitlist in April itself? Can someone elaborate please.

If there are a large amount of admitted students that decline their admission prior to May 1, they can pull from the waitlist. I had my son’s decline admission to schools they knew they would not attend just for that purpose. You can only enroll in 1 school on May 1, so once you have all your decisions, start declining the schools do you do not plan to attend. It is only common courtesy.


Question, do the people accepted off the waitlist in April have a deadline to commit ex a week or two or is it May 1st like everyone else?

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The deadline to commit if accepted off the waitlist regardless of when they were admitted usually is 5-7 days to accept or decline.

I got waitlisted at UCSD and UCI yesterday. Just out of curiousity, is it possible to get admitted before May 1 if someone declines their offer quickly? Like if someone got into UCLA and committed their already and declines UCSD offer.

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If enough admitted students decline their acceptance before May 1, then it is possible to hear earlier. Just remember far more applicants are admitted than actually enroll so it is not a one for one ratio.


How does The appeal process work
what are the chances of the rejection bieng reversed