Below are the waitlist stats for 2018 and 2019. 2020 data has not been posted as of yet.
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list-17018
Number accepting a place on the waiting list-8608
Number of wait-listed students admitted-1610
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list-12522
Number accepting a place on the waiting list-6428
Number of wait-listed students admitted-136
My D got waitlisted and interested in Theatre. Any idea if you can get into Theatre major from the waitlist. I know it is a non-audition program.
waitlisted for Game Design and Interactive Media hoping I get in for that or for Undeclared CS / Undeclared
Was waitlisted at 4/5 of the UCs I applied to and rejected from one
I got waitlisted for Public Health, should I write the UCI admissions office a letter? Would that hurt me or help me?
You need to follow the guidelines for the waitlist. If the waitlist allows letters of continued interest, then yes you can submit them but UCI did not accept LOCI’s.
From the UC Website: ** There is nothing that a student should or can do other than opt-in to the waitlist by the stated deadline. Any additional information submitted that was not requested by the campus will not be considered.**
Is there any data set for which majors waitlist admits got into?
No stats for admitted waitlist majors but you can look over the 2024 Waitlist discussion thread to see which majors were admitted.
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Was lurking through the 2024 waitlist discussions and some of the waitlist acceptances came out mid april, not sure if it’ll be the same this year but there’s some hope 
Last year due to Covid and Gap Years, many students ended up declining their acceptances early so they started taking students off waitlist earlier. The goal is to have in-person instruction this year, so they may have to wait until after May 1 to go to their waitlists this year.
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Ok thank you, also do you know if 2020 waitlist stats have been released yet?
The 2020 waitlist numbers are from the UC Conference and they may be slightly different than the actual stats on the CDS once it is published.
2020 Waitlisted applicants: 18627
Number of admitted off the waitlist: 2667
2020 Appeals:
Number of Appeals; 1220
Appeals approved: 19
2020 Referrals:
Number of requested referrals: 36
Number of referrals granted: 7
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Would housing be available for those who got off the waitlist?
At the moment, Housing is not guaranteed even for all in-coming Freshman. Housing availability will depend upon the state policies due to Covid.
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Is “2020 Waitlisted applicants: 18627” the amount of students who received a waitlist offer, or those who accepted the waitlist offer?
18627 were the # waitlisted. They did not list the # that opted in.
Okay thank you!
Also I noticed on the UCSD forum you wrote: “The rest of UC’s do not have options to submit an LOCI but for UC Santa Cruz, Riverside, Santa Barbara and Irvine, you can appeal while you are on the waitlist as long as you opt into the waitlist. If you send an appeal, the appeal will be your LOCI.”
Does appealing mean appealing the decision? And I thought for UCI they don’t accept an appeal if you opt into the waitlist?
Am I missing something?
My mistake, if you decline the waitlist, you can appeal the decision but not while you are on the waitlist for UCI. They changed the rules a couple of years ago.