Has anybody satisfied UC LOTE requirements (requirement e) by taking a course offered by a UC approved online publisher without it being listed on your transcript? Or listed as an elective and not LoTE?
Are you asking if is it not listed on the HS transcript?
If the course is from a UC approved online provider the student will just send it the transcript from that provider to show proof of the course regardless if it is listed on the HS transcript. The issue is if the HS requires LOTE for HS graduation and will not accept the online class to meet this requirement.
No it is listed in the transcript. But not coded as a UC e language but as an elective.
Can you show me the Category designation from the UCOP website?
Are you NOW at a level 4 equivalent for that online course?
You need at least 2 years for bare minimum admission status.
The two years are for “competence”.
Three years are recommended, for consistency.
Four years are strongly urged and recommended to develop conversational skills.
The UC’s look for students who challenge themselves with a rigorous schedule, such that most students applying to the UC’s take 4 years of foreign language.
Will you receive a HS diploma with one online course? That’s the trick.
Exams & coursework that satisfy “E”
](Subject requirement (A-G) | UC Admissions)
SAT Subject Examination
The following scores satisfy the entire requirement:
- Chinese With Listening: 520
- French/French With Listening: 540
- German/German With Listening: 510
- Modern Hebrew: 470
- Italian: 520
- Japanese With Listening: 510
- Korean With Listening: 500
- Latin: 530
- Spanish/Spanish With Listening: 520
AP or IB Examination
Score of 3, 4 or 5 on the AP Exam in Chinese Language and Culture, French Language and Culture, German Language and Culture, Italian Language and Culture, Japanese Language and Culture, Spanish Language, Spanish Language and Culture, Spanish Literature and Culture or Latin; score of 5, 6 or 7 on an IB Language A2 HL exam.
College courses
Grade of C or better in any transferable course(s) (excluding conversation) held by the college to be equivalent to two years of high school language. Many colleges list the prerequisites for their second course in language as “Language 1 at this college or two years of high school language.” In this case, Language 1 clears both years of the requirement.
The language school is listed here: University of California A-G Course List
California Tamil Academy.
The course appears in the High School Transcript with a letter grade abd credits under the “Elective” category. The high school won’t list it under the "World Language category. But in official transcript of the high school there is no designation. In official transcript from the high school the course from the outside school is listed as a subject from this outside school.
The institution may be UC approved but not necessarily the LOTE courses to fulfill the UC requirement. I would email UC or admissions directly with the information and see what they state. Since it is an outside school course, the HS can determine how it will be listed on their transcript but you also have to send the outside schools transcript. For UC eligibility, that is determined by the UC’s.
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Thank you all for the responses. The UC app center confirmed that courses that are taken from UC approved online publishers that appear in high school transcript through principal certification will satisfy a-g requirements.
Excellent. Thank you for updating.