UC Merced vs. Riverside?

<p>So I’ve been accepted to both UC Merced and UC Riverside. Thing is, Merced’s giving me enough gift aid to cover full tuition and then some and Riverside’s giving me none. I’d still be able to afford Riverside (with some small loans), but a full ride is not too shabby. But Merced doesn’t have any majors I’m interested in (i mean, it barely has any majors). What are your opinions??</p>

<p>If UCM has no majors that interest you, you should immediate cross it off on your list of potential colleges to attend. </p>

<p>UCM definitely does not have the comprehensive college atmosphere that UCR possesses.</p>

<p>Unless the loans you have to take are massive (like >5k), I would not even consider UCM…especially if it doesn’t have any majors you would consider. UCR is a prestigious university in a crappy location; UCM is a yet-to-be-completed, poor decision in an even worse location. No offense, but Merced (as a whole) has nothing to offer.</p>

<p>Ok, now for some more objective advice: what is your major? That should help with the decision</p>

<p>Don’t listen to those that bad mouth UCmerced without ever having been there</p>

<p>If your major is sciences, both are great schools. uC Riverside now has a med school and UCMerced will have one soon</p>

<p>The students at UCMerced are very focused</p>

<p>@crizello: Well my planned major would be Communications with a focus in Public Relations or Advertising. Neither UCR or UCM has it but I’m considering Business Administration at UCR. Or possibly going to either for 2 years then transferring to a private. So I’m thinking it’d probably be smarter to just go to UCM for the 2 years and pay 20k less. But I do like Riverside a lot better personally. @oceanpartier and @bubbles for sale: What about Merced is bad? Crime or just nothing to do?</p>

<p>Have you visited UC Merced? It’s actually a pretty impressive place, especially considering how young it is. Those who bash it can’t have any objective reasons for doing so. Visit both schools if you are able and decide for yourself!</p>