UC Neurobiology?

<p>Between UCI and UCSB, which one has better Neurobiology?</p>

<p>stay away from UCSB for anything relating to biology</p>

<p>anything with bio and computer science ( not CompE ), I would highly suggest UCI. :)</p>

<p>jus outta curiosity, is irvine better than davis for bio?</p>

<p>Some would argue yes, however there are alot of pro-Davis posters on this site that will absolutely say otherwise.</p>

<p>from Cal, who would argue that UCI has a better bio program than UCSD/UCD?</p>

<p>could easily argue that Irvine has a better bio program than UCD, couldn't say that their program is better than UCSD's tho.</p>

<p>to me, (northern California biotech industry), it's basically</p>

<p>UCB>UCSD>UCD> rest for bio. Anyone from up here think that's inaccurate?</p>

<p>well I'm positive UCLA has a better reputation for UCD in biology (esp. neuroscience), maybe better than UCSD too?</p>