UC 'Pending' Payment Error - Solution?

<p>Hi! I faced a problem while submitting my UC application.
Unexpectedly, my browser window closed, and when I reopened it, the UC website said that the application was already submitted, but the payment hasn’t been made. It showed ‘pending’ on the View fees and payment page.
Most of you might have mailed/called the UC Admissions Office, but might have not been able to get through to the operators due to the 30-min wait time for the calls.
Anyway, I phoned the UC guys first thing in the morning (8 AM PST) and told them about my problem. They said many students are facing this problem this year. All you have to do is wait 48 hours, and then go back to the UC ‘View fees and payment’ page and make the payment.
Before 48 hours, the option to make the payment might not appear, so don’t get tensed up.
Remember, even if you applied of 30 November, (which means the 48th hour comes way after the deadline) DO NOT WORRY! It will in NO way negatively impact your submission.
And you will get an application submission confirmation email from UC, even if you face the problem.
So don’t trouble the UC call operators, they’re pretty busy today (8AM - midnight and that too all the time, there’s a 25-30 minute call waiting), and relax - your UC application is just fine.</p>

<p>any of you guys still cant pay ?</p>

<p>I am still unable to pay.</p>