UC Point System different for Class of 2012 and beyond?


<p>I just have quick question and I really need it answered.</p>

<p>From what I remember, in the point system theres 3200 points for test scores. 2400 for the SAT, and another 800 for the avg of your two SAT II scores.</p>

<p>A new rule passed that doesn’t require the Class of 2012 and beyond to take SAT II’s for UC’s (Though a lot of people still do.)</p>

<p>Does this mean the point system is now reduced? Since SAT II’s aren’t required are the points for the test scores “2400” rather than “3200” ?</p>

<p>Uc’s say SAT II’s are no longer required but you can still submit your scores. </p>

<p>Please let me know</p>

<p>One assumes there will be a new system for the class that applies for entry in 2012 but nothing has been announced yet. The point system for those who will be applying this fall for entry in 2011 is the old one since SAT IIs are still required for that class.</p>

<p>Only some UCs use a point system. Berkeley and UCLA do not use point systems, for example.</p>


<p>You will want to look at this page:</p>

<p>[University</a> of California - Admissions](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/pathstoadm.html]University”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/pathstoadm.html)</p>

<p>On that page is a link to this page, for current (2011) freshman admissions criteria:</p>

<p>[University</a> of California - Admissions](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/paths_to_adm/freshman.html]University”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/paths_to_adm/freshman.html)</p>

<p>And on THAT page is a link to what is known about 2012 admissions criteria:</p>

<p>[Freshman</a> Admission Requirements for Fall 2012](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/paths_to_adm/freshman2012/]Freshman”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/paths_to_adm/freshman2012/)</p>

<p>It looks more set than I thought things were. For those applying in the 2012 cycle these are the requirements for which you should be aiming.</p>

<p>The most interesting thing to me, as far as changes go, are the guaranteed admission criteria. I believe that currently, until 2012, the guaranteed admission criterion is a 3.0 GPA over the a-g courses given in California high schools. I think that was supposed to correspond to the top 12 or 12.5 percent of California HS students.</p>

<p>In 2012, the 3.0 GPA in a-g is the minimum requirement (no more qualification through high test scores). And the top 9%, statewide or in a specific HS, are guaranteed admission, if only by referral to select campuses (most likely UCM or UCR). So the targeting of a certain top percentage is self adjusting now, thanks to the wonders of computers. </p>

<p>The role of SATs and ACTs is bit cloudy. You have to take the ACT with Writing or the SAT Reasoning Test, but there is nothing to say about what the UC is going to do with them. In fact I’m confused, because currently, it seems you can get guaranteed admission based on examinations only and on the page for current admissions critera they reference the 2012 criteria:</p>

<p>“Beginning with the entering class of fall 2012, eligibility by examination alone will no longer guarantee a student admission. Students who become eligible by this path will, however, be entitled to a full review of their applications.”</p>

<p>So, maybe that 3.0 GPA minimum for 2012 is a bit soft still.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies! IF anyone has any more information, please feel free to reply below.</p>

<p>Those 2012 charts must have just gone up recently because last time I looked a couple weeks ago it was not there and now everything is there and here is the result for 2012 (as noted above elegibility by having high test scores alone will no longer guarantee admission):</p>

<p>You will be guaranteed admission to a UC, not necessarily one of your choice if:</p>

<li><p>First, your GPA is calculated by the UCs using the same old method as before using 10th and 11th grades in a-g courses and adding 1 point to any course that is honors or AP (up to a limit of 8 semesters for honors or AP meaning on average two courses per semester for the two years).</p></li>
<li><p>If your UC-calculated GPA places you in the top 9% of your own particular high school class you are guaranteed admission to “a” UC regardless of your test scores (that is “local elegibility” and before 2012 that was top 4% and thus it will be easier to get in that way than before).</p></li>
<li><p>If you don’t make it that way you go to Statewide Eligibility which is top 9% of the students statewide but it is really not that because they give a calculation for exactly what you need to be considered top 9%, go here <a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/paths_to_adm/freshman2012/admissionsindex.html[/url]”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/paths_to_adm/freshman2012/admissionsindex.html&lt;/a&gt; You need a certain ACT or SAT test score translated to a UC score in relation to your particular UC GPA. If you look at the tables you are going to find it is going to be much, much harder in 2012 to get in under the Statewide Eligibility index than it was before for statewide eligibility. For example if your GPA is 3.0 you will need a UC test score of 263 (from a single SAT or single ACT) and if you look at the conversion tables for 2012, to get 263 requires an approximately 2040 SAT (about a 1420 combined math and CR score plus 620 writing). Under the old system you needed 223 UC test score points at the 3.0 level but that number was determined by the additon of your scores on each section of the SAT plus two SAT IIs and you could get to 223 by scoring a 1500 total SAT (500 each of the three sections) and 500 each on two SAT II tests.</p></li>

<p>Ooh, thanks ^</p>

<p>So according to all this, since SAT 2’s aren’t required the points system has to be reduced (The test scores points will be moved to 2400 from 3200)</p>

<p>And since the base score is being moved down then the cutoff score will also change.</p>

<p>Thanks for your replies.</p>

<p>^Not sure what you are saying. They are going to make it easier to get in based on “local eligibility” for which test scores don’t count at all. As long as you are in top 9% of your high school class (based on GPA only) you will get into “a” UC. That used to be top 4%.</p>

<p>At the same time they are going to make it much harder to get guaranteed admission into “a” UC otherwise based on statewide eligibility. The test score conversion will apply to SAT (or ACT) only but you will need a significantly higher SAT to go along with your GPA to get guaranteed admission than you would have needed before.</p>