UC Policy on sending scores?

I’m unclear on this: do the UCs require all SAT 1 scores if I don’t wish to submit any of my SAT 1 scores? Is it possible for me to just send in ACT and SAT Subject Tests?

Also, for schools like CalTech that highly recommend sending all scores, does this mean it’s recommended that I send both my ACT and SAT 1 scores? or just all SAT1 if I choose to submit my SAT1?

UCs require all SATs only if you send an SAT. You can instead send an ACT; subject tests are optional and you can send whatever ones you want to send and withhold any SAT when ordering scores sent if you decide to submit ACT and not SAT. Colleges that recommend, but do not secifically require, sending all scores generally recommend sending any that you have, SAT and ACT, but you are not required to do so and there is no penalty for withholding any tests (and that includes CalTech).

By there is no penalty, there technically is right because they “strongly recommend” (not just recommend; I’m talking about Caltech specifically here) so withholding it might be penalized subliminally? I really don’t want to send my SAT score lol

Also are you certain about the UC policy? Like I can withhold SAT scores if I choose to send ACT + Subject Tests?

You are reading far too much into assertions about recommending all scores; unless all scores are actuially required (only a small number of schools), there is no penalty anywhere for failure to provide all scores (in fact, it is doubtful there is any penalty even at colleges that require all scores since to date, nine years after some colleges began to require all scores, there has not been one public report of anyone being denied admission or otherwise being adversely affected for failure to provide all test scores).

As to the UCs rule, what I stated has been verified by many, including myself, who have actually contacted the UCs to determine the issue.