UC Prompt #1 on a very peculiar thing.

<p>Happy Thanksgiving guys!
My UC deadline is 30th. I need someone who can give harsh and detailed critiques on my UC prompt #1 essay. I need ASAP. before the 28th!!</p>

<p>Anyone? Sorry for rush</p>

<p>ill do it. pm it to me.</p>

<p>I’ll do it</p>

<p>thanks. any non-09ers? lol i’m sorry</p>

<p>scratch my previous post. anyone that’s not applying to UC, can someone please read my essay? (09er or non-09ers!!)</p>

<p>I wrote my essay on a drink. Can someone please read and give me critiques by the 29th? Thanks guys!!</p>

<p>I’ll do it, PM me.</p>

<p>sure. thanks. anyone else?</p>

<p>bump. anyone else? =)</p>

<p>sure im 09 but not UC… the deadlines too close</p>

<p>ok! i sent it through PM. Please check and reply ASAP. i need it by the 29th! Thank you!</p>

<p>anyone else?</p>