Uc Regected Applicants

<p>Santa Cruz Fall 2005 stats:</p>

<p>Total applications: 5,102
Total offers of admission: 3,549
Admission rate: 69.56%
Mean GPA of admits: 3.27</p>

<p>i am a senior in high school if u hadnt seen post #17</p>

<p>well, aforementioned friend just received an acceptance to UC Davis!</p>

<p>I don't understand what's SC's problem?!</p>

<p>Any rejections from UC Irvine??</p>

<p>Date: 4/30/06
ME: I got rejected from UCLA :(</p>

<p>Stopppppppppp it</p>

<p>Sorry, gabe. I just have a bad feeling about my chances there. It doesn't help that I have a stomach ache too.</p>

<p>nikkei325i What's wrong with you??</p>

<p>It's pretty obvious why you guys are being rejected from UCSC. With your competitive GPA's and stats, they know you'll be going to a better school than UCSC. By accepting you guys, they're only going to be lowering their admissions stats of those choosing to goto UCSC thus hurting their marketing image.</p>

<p>"It's pretty obvious why you guys are being rejected from UCSC. With your competitive GPA's and stats, they know you'll be going to a better school than UCSC."</p>

<p>What are you talking about!? By accepting applicants with higher GPAs, their stats for admits go higher; they want to draw the students with high GPAs, even if it may seem impossible. They want to have a high average gpa of admits.</p>

<p>"It's pretty obvious why you guys are being rejected from UCSC. With your competitive GPA's and stats, they know you'll be going to a better school than UCSC."</p>

<p>This is sometimes the case, but I doubt it in this situation. If any of the UCs have Tuft's syndrome, it'd be UCI or R, which most of these people were admitted to. A big state-funded bureaucracy like the UC system doesn't need to worry too much about yield rate.</p>

<p>a poli sci major got rejected with a 3.8 for santa cruz?!?!?!?!?!?!?! are u SERIOUS</p>

<p>Bearclaw, the reason that sounds crazy is because we DONT have the full file. We don't know why Santa Cruz rejected the person. Let's not do what people erroneously do on CC every year by coming to hasty conclusions without enough information.</p>

<p>so gabe, why did my friend get rejected from SC but in at Davis? i'd think Davis would be much harder to get into than SC...</p>

<p>Generally, it is. We'd need to see your friends complete profile. Also your friend can call Santa Cruz admissions to get more info on why she was rejected.</p>

<p>if you call will they give you details as to why you were rejected? i may tell my gf to call and ask why she was rejected to UCSC</p>

<p>It depends I guess, but I know that some schools will look at a file and do that. Keep in mind that these are public universities.</p>

<p>Dude theatre is a very difficult major. I hear UCSC department is very tough with admissions to its film/tv/theatre program.</p>

<p>naw sc is not "toughP for any of that, its just that they dont have any room for those majors as it is. when i was there it was nearly impossible to get some film classes. UCSC is in the process of expanding so they can have a bigger population. This will definetly make the hippies mad...</p>

<p>After looking through UCSC's catalogue I'm come to respect the campus for what it is. I'd say that the environment is more beautiful than UCSD's.</p>