<p>Placement Tests: These tests are very important to your ability to enroll in the appropriate level course. Math and Writing are especially crucial. If you have questions about the Math Placement Exam, dates and other information can be found here - <a href=“Math Testing and Placement”>http://testing.ucsd.edu/</a> (or
<a href=“http://mathtesting.ucsd.edu/placement.shtml[/url]”>http://mathtesting.ucsd.edu/placement.shtml</a>)</p>
<p>Information about the Analytical Writing Placement Exam is available online. Please take this test in May, if at all possible. A Chemistry online placement exam is also available and helpful if you plan to take General Chemistry. Online language placement exams are available for French, German, Italian, & Spanish as well. If you have passing AP scores for Chemistry, or any of these languages, you do not need to take the exam.</p>