UC Riverside Class of 2025 — Regular Decision Date: March

I’ve been accepted and I have been trying to see my financial aid or see the forms that I need to submit it, and when I click on the Financial AId link on the self service page it just says page not enabled, has anyone else had this issue?

yeah, with the international scholarship

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Decisions are rolling until March 31 I believe. Don’t worry, you have time

We had the same thing happen when we checked FA

Same here

don’t worry mine is also still like that too

Son accepted tonight. Philosophy major. Received email with portal update. Good luck to all!

Did he receive it today?

Yes. I think so. He checked email tonight and acceptance was there. He usually checks his email daily so I assume it came today.

S21 received email around 6pm tonight. Admitted for CompSci! No scholarships.

UC Capped WGPA is 3.97, it must be his course rigor and/or ECs or essays that got him in.

As of now, we’re still leaning on accepting admission for CPP.


My son (graduated hs last year class of 2020) is at CPP (biochemistry) and he really likes it. I know they’ve been online all year, but so far so good. He’s definitely looking forward to getting to be on campus, though. He turned down UCR UCI and UCSB (wanted to be closer to home) and seems happy. Our daughter class of 2021 was just accepted to CPP also animal science but is wanting to go into nursing.
Good luck!


Thanks a lot for sharing.
All these college decision-making process is exciting but nerve-wracking. He applied to UCs without any expectation just like buying a lottery ticket. Then now he gets accepted to his first UC, and there’s this thought of “will we make the right decision if we choose this or that”

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@Run4itmom Congrats to both your kids. Wow both of them in CPP!
Edited: ooops I misread your last post, is your daughter still waiting for more results and still deciding where to go?

D21 admitted undeclared. Found out tonight. Also admitted at Merced. Waiting on UCSB (dream school).

Update: Didn’t get in to UCSB. Kids with better stats than her getting bounced everywhere. A tough, tough year.

D19 is awaiting transfer decisions. UCLA, UCB, and UCSB at top of list. CCC Honors Program, 3.8.


Good morning.
Our daughter’s first choice is a direct admit nursing program along the coast. She’s dreaming big!
She wants to get away from the heat/IE. I’d say her first pick is SDSU. She’s been admitted to Univ of San Francisco but it’s just so expensive and also to CSULB (which she likes a lot) but it’s not direct admit for nursing.
I graduated from CSULB a long time ago and she loves the area. We realize nursing is just so competitive so she applied to other schools that don’t offer nursing in case. All of these schools UCs and CSUs are great. It just depends on so many things.
It’s really nice to read these posts and see that you aren’t alone in all of this. I hope everything works out for your son.


I got into UCR but I don’t see any info about scholarships. Does this mean I didn’t get any scholarship money?

Same for me - : (

:frowning: maybe we might hear good news later on?


Most likely no. What is included now is merit scholarship independent of need. Financial award based on need will be announced later.

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my efc is over 50k theres no way