UC Riverside Class of 2025 — Regular Decision Date: March

My website hasn’t been down for me either, but I also have the major change tab.



So you should be in then if you got Regents scholarship regardless of what it says on portal. Congratulations!

Sorry, maybe my response was confusing. Yes, I was admitted to UC Riverside, but no, I did not apply nor was invited to apply for the Regents Scholarship. :slight_smile:

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Anyone been accepted today?

Accepted to Biochem w/ Regents! just found out today but i don’t know if the acceptance was just sitting there for a few days…

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Congratulations none the less! :blush:

anyone receive some notice today? My status is: your application is currently being considered for an admission decision. Been like that for a few days now.

Based on last year schedule, UCR might release batch of admission decision coming monday or tuesday. and another wave at the end of March

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I’m offered the “UCR Achievement Award(13.5k/year).” Is this the regents you guys are talking about?

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The UCR Achievement award is for Out of State or International students and the amount is more than Regents. Congratulations!!!

Thank you!!

The major change option has just been disappeared from my portal!!!??

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Don’t worry about that. I think it is just the website getting changed. There has been a lot of change on the MyUCR page. It changed for me too. I am waiting for the decision as well


What are the chances that there are acceptances this weekend? Do you think there can be some small batches apart from the bigger batches that are spreading throughout the month? Out of curiosity. Thank you for this useful information though! Helped me relief a ton of stress from not seeing the MyUCR page change in decision for me lol


Same here

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@Gumbymom Is the major change tab is of any significance? My DD had it before and now it is gone. Thanks!

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i got accepted on thursday but without any scholarships like regents, does this mean i won’t be getting any money from ucr at all or will they send out more info in the financial aid package, if so when do financial aid packages usually come out

There is nothing of significance on the portal that can or will give you a heads up on your decision except your actual decision.

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The financial packages should come out within a few weeks. Last year they showed up in Early April.

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