UC Riverside Class of 2027 Official Thread

Have you received a decision

We still don’t have an update this morning. Still waiting for UCR and CalPoly Pomona.

Yeah, kid found out last month. Her stats were 3.85/4.15 and 7 AP classes. So maybe that qualifies as high stats for UCR so she was told early?

I’ve got about the same stats: 3.83/4.13 and 6 APs. UCR applicant portal says my application is still being reviewed. I applied to major in Comp. Sci. I have received decisions for the 7 other schools I applied to (Accepted: UCI, RIT, Cal Poly Pomona, and CSU Fullerton; Waitlisted: UCD; Rejected: UCLA, USC)

nothing yet…waiting…waiting…

CS is far more competitive than Biology just based on admit rates but it is not just only stats but the whole application especially the PIQ’s and EC’s which sets all these very qualified applicants apart. You cannot compare stats from different applicants and different majors to determine if you will be accepted or not. All you can do is wait for a decision which should be out by the end of March.

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Huh? If you got into UCI go there. They have their own college of information and computer science and its a much better ranked school that UCR.

Meaning that did anyone in the second wave get it?

You must consider location, campus, and other minor factors that might play a role before committing to a higher nationally ranked school. There’s no harm in having some patience for UCR.

I am very scared. When are they releasing?

Again, as the other posts have stated, there is no exact date when the results will be released. Hopefully, they should be done by the end of March. Don’t be scared, there is always a plan B to a plan A if you don’t get the result you were expecting :slight_smile:

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So did no acceptances come out yet for second wave?

Nope, but some acceptances have come out for those who have switched their major recently.

Oh ok thank you!

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Hopefully it releases today I really want to know

My son’s portal was just updated a few minutes ago. Waitlisted for Robotics Engineering.

What were his stats?

I think his UC GPA is 3.67, lots of AP/honors, decent extracurriculars, good essays.

What were his ecs?