UC Riverside Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

UCR like all UC’s do not consider an applicants level of interest in the admission process. There is nothing you can do but move on.

Did anyone else receive an offer from UC Merced without having applied there?
Could that be due to the UC waitlist, and therefore does that mean we won’t come off the original waitlist?

If your student is the top 9% at their HS or top 9% Statewide and they are not accepted into their choice UC, their application is referred to UC Merced. Waitlists to do Not count as an acceptance and the referral does not impact the waitlist so a student can be referred and still get off the waitlist at another school.

This is the ELC guarantee for CA residents.

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Thank you for the detailed clarification!

Waitlisted folks, anyone gotten any update??

Not yet :pleading_face:

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I heard students are getting off the waitlist from UCD.

Also UCI is admitting off their waitlist today.

has anyone gotten an update from the waitlist?

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Still waiting :crossed_fingers:

Nothing here.

nothing here either

Did anyone call admissions office

yes, they said waitlist will be finalized by the end of the month

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Just got admitted off the waitlist, Pre-Business major. May 25th deadline


Anyone else get off the Waitlist? I still have received anything

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Still waiting.

Anyone called admissions?

So, I feel like there is no rhyme or reason to these UC’s decision. I believe the waitlist will come out after the 25th. I know a few kids (including my nephew) that first got offered a spot at Merced without ever applying and now got offered a spot for their major at UC riverside last week without ever applying. It’s frustrating since, my son actually applied to UCR and is on the waitlist with much better transcripts and is still on the waitlist. My nephew already committed to USC and not accepting, but it’s the principle. You would think kids that got onto a waitlist after applying to the school would have priority. Anyway, my nephew has until the 25th to accept, so I figure they are waiting to see who excepts from the ELC program.

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