<p>Which school would be better for someone going down the premed path?
I plan on majoring in biology at Riverside and in psychology at Pepperdine. Pepperdine is slightly more expensive, but money isn't as big of an issue. </p>
<p>The key factor in my opinion would be whether you’re serious about your faith and want to be in an environment where conservative religion is valued and nurtured, with mandatory chapel/Bible study, or if you’d rather attend a public university with a direct path to med school (UCR has a lot of pathways to help premeds get to medschool.)</p>
<p>I would pick Riverside.</p>
<p>These two schools could not be more different. It really depends on what environment you want to live in for the next few years.</p>
<p>Pepperdine doesn’t even register as a blip as a doctor-preparatory inst. UC Riverside, on the other hand, has a very good biological sciences department and produces a good amount of MDs. But it’s all on you: sometimes the road less traveled might be less competitive and therefore give you the impetus/confidence to do well.</p>