**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

And I will add to that that the chances of transferring to another UC at that point are not in your favor when the system is set up to give priority to CC and then CSU transfers. If one was set on CS at UCSD, CC to transfer would probably give better odds for some majors when transfer acceptance rate is 20% for CS, 59% for CEng, and 80% for M and CS (higher probably for CC is this is overall transfer rate). And a ton of money, heartache, and hassle would be saved/avoided.

Moderator’s note:
There is a small correction. Priority is set as follows:

  1. CC to UC
  2. UC to UC
  3. CSU to UC
  4. Private CA colleges to UC’s
  5. OOS colleges to UC’s


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I have 3 kids at UC’s and one getting ready to choose. Every single one of my kids changed their major by their second year. Having kids at both UCSD and UCSB, both are great campuses. Unless he is very set on his major and is 100% convinced that is what he will do, I would say pick the school that you feel most excited about. Just a thought…at this age you “don’t know what you don’t know” and the first year or so on a campus really opens your mind to other potential majors! good luck!


Lol, “don’t know what you don’t know.” This is great to point out at times, but not sure it applies here. What you should know and some of us are trying to say is that some opportunities will not be available unless you are super focused, plan well and/or are extremely lucky. Few people will be able to get into a CS program on a whim or even if they try really hard and plan for years to be in a position do so. Back in the day you could switch in and out of polisci, psychology and business and back again. No doubt many majors are still easy to switch to, CS is not one of them. Graduates are in high demand and well paid fresh out of school, hence the scramble. I share your opinion about how it is and should be perhaps for most people. I think we do our children a disservice however if we don’t make it abundantly clear at an early age that many of the choices they make along the way may have serious consequences and perhaps close some doors.
Could a forty year old with only a GED get busy and eventually become a brain surgeon? Maybe, though I doubt any school in the US would want to train such a person for what might wind up being only a few years of service. In reality, not all majors are available to be switched into after you arrive at your campus.

I would recommend you look at posts on UCSD Reddit - many students have been in similar situations. According to them, you need to prove that you would graduate two quarters earlier by switching colleges.

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Here are the requirements to change colleges;

Transfers between undergraduate colleges at UCSD are only granted under exceptional circumstances.
The requirements to petition for the exception include:
-Minimum of 2.5 cumulative GPA.
-Student must demonstrate that the transfer will shorten time to degree by at least two full time quarters (which must include elective units, major, and general education requirements). This is demonstrated by the submission of comprehensive quarter- by -quarter plans for both the home college and the desired college, with equivalent course loads.
-Transfer students must have completed one full quarter at UCSD and have no more than 150 units.
-Students who entered as freshmen must have completed their first year at their home college, completed the ELWR as well as college writing requirement, and have completed no more than 135.0 units.
=Petitions for inter-college transfers based on general education preferences or the intention to double major or minor are not considered.

This information will need to be verified.

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@jesse_sgirl: I would like to make a correction regarding CC transfers.

Priority for Transfers to UC’s goes as follows with CCers get priority followed by UC to UC, then CSU to UC, Private CA Universities to UC’s than OOS to UC’s.

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Son applied for CS Major (due to Covid etc. leaning towards staying within CA).
Grades UW3.97, W4.28, W10-12 4.56
Did not get in at SLO, UCLA, UCI.
Accepted at San Jose State, UC Merced, Santa Clara U, Drexel, etc.
Pending decisions at UCB(L&S), UCR & USC (looking at the carnage - assuming declines)
Waitlisted at UCSD, UCSB, UCSC & UCD.
Quite confused on what to accept before May1 given that waitlist musical chairs will go well into June and no guarantees of any waitlists coming thru.

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San Jose State has a great CS program

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Thanks. He wanted to go to UCSD but waitlist lottery seems like risky bet. Maybe it is more of optics with SJSU overall acceptance rates being high although CS is most difficult to get due proximity to tech.

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I think one of you waitlisted UC should go thru.

No doubt

any other OOS students get literally no aid? i’m going to call the office and see if they’re open to appeal processes, but im not hopeful.
i really like ucsd, and I know the UCs give terrible aid to OOS students, but geez lol. i also come from a single-income household so maybe theyll reconsider?

UCSD is a California Public University meaning that California students get the best Financial aid since their families pay taxes here. If all OOS students would run the Net price calculator before applying, then this would not be a surprise. You are welcome to appeal but you should not count on anything. Sorry but as a CA resident I feel my tax money should fund the CA students only and believe me I pay plenty of taxes to live here.


Same here, all we got was the pell and un/sub loans leaving more than i even make in a year (i know i dont need the lecture from parents who know what they are doing again, i know we should have checked the cost but had also hoped (not expected tho) that the aid would be comparable to what shes been offered elsewhere) Really sad about it bc it probably means even tho this is her first choice we cant do it unless she gets the paths scholarship/grant she just applied for but the winners arent notified until the end of April and we will most likely have to have decided by then so she is ensured housing. Really sucks tho and makes you feel like you failed your kid.

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i understand that entirely, and i actually did run the calculator, but it was worse than what the calculator predicted! i will likely try to appeal, as UCSD is one of my top schools, but i appreciate your input :slight_smile:

i felt the same way in terms of aid, and the calculator actually showed i should’ve gotten at least something, but i know it doesn’t always work out as predicted. i wish your kid the best, and i’m sure they’ll find another school they like, just like i’m probably going to have to haha:)!

For CA residents who get frustrated with the number of OOS acceptances, this is an example of why only a small percentage of OOS accepted students actually enroll.

@Teenybellesmom you didn’t fail your kid. As parents we do our best but can’t always give them everything they want.


I would like to also add that as a CA resident whom makes a comfortable income, neither of my sons’s received any financial aid except the Federal loans that all students can take out. We were full pay for the UC’s, yes lower in-state rates but none the less, I understand.


that’s insane, i won’t lie. i’m sure that was a frustrating process. again, i had some hope that it would be at least a bit better because i come from a single parent income household who also supports 2 other kids. plus like one of my replies said, the tuition is more than a years salary.
thank you for understanding my frustration!! whatever happens, happens:)

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I understand. I got very bad sick when i was 24 & almost died & ended up diagnosed with both Behcet’s & Marfan’s syndrome. Sadly this left me unable to work plus I didnt have insurance so i got saddled with over 100k in med bills. Then her dad died in 2013, so we exist on very little. Even if i had the means by the time I see all the regular docs & specialists, their tests and medicine wipe us out- theres very little left. I blame myself all the time for the struggle shes had to endure. Shes my only one so im at least glad i dont have to do this again.