**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

See story here: Interest Surges in Top Colleges, While Struggling Ones Scrape for Applicants - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

I also think that the “average accepted GPA” of the UCs should increase this year because those averages were calculated in previous years supplementally with SAT scores. Therefore there would be applicants with high SATs and low GPAs, lowering the average. However, this year, no SATs will be considered, leaving mostly only high GPAs for consideration, meaning that this year’s admission stats will probably have a higher GPA average because it is more important. Good luck everyone


But many students have P/F for their Junior second semester. So it’s hard to say about GPAs as well.


hopefully the out of state acceptences remain constant from over the years.

Yes, so they have to evaluate students based on 10th grade and first semester of 11th grade. So 1.5 years worth of grades. Plus, grades are not standardized, even the curriculum is not standardized across states (see Common Core implementation by state - Wikipedia ). So it is going to be interesting this year.

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uc’s don’t consider first semester senior grades right?

why only 1st semester of junior year? why not all of junior year?

I don’t think they do, but after you are accepted, if you receive two C’s or one D, then they will most likely be able to withdraw your admission.

Also, they often take into consideration how many AP classes you take your senior year to see if you are still challenging yourself and coming to college prepared.

P/NP second semester spring lowers GPA for those who would have added in more 5s from weighted classes.

i think that many schools switched to pass/fail for second semester junior year so this means less to colleges than actual letter grades

Because the second semester of junior year was when COVID started and many students had Pass/Fail grades.

Also, does anyone know what the maximum UC weighted capped GPA is? Im thinking its around 4.28. For reference, I have 4.241, and I had all As and 1 B in one semester.

I think it’s about 4.4. Remind you that the more classes you take, the lower your capped gpa will be (no matter how many weighted courses were taken)


I think its 4.33

how is capped gpa calculated?

Because when the pandemic started many schools handed out free As.

It varies by high school and amount of classes people take.

I see GPAs as high as 4.58 on this page: Freshman Profile - Fall 2015 | UCLA Undergraduate Admission

Only UCLA and UC Berkeley consider uncapped weighted GPAs. Other UCs consider capped weighted, which limits the number of AP classes to 4.

1 additional point for UC designated Honors/AP, maximum of 4 semesters each year during your 10/11 years. So a grand total of 8 semesters during 10-11. Most kids take 5 academic classes so usually, the capped GPA is at 4.4. But as mentioned above by @TheGreatGatsby7 if you take more courses, your capped GPA goes down (Even if it was online AP, dual enrollment,etc) as the number of points you can take is capped.

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