**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

@lkg4answers. You are correct that it has been about 2 years since they did the calling campaign. It is hard to keep track of all the UC decision information from year to year and all the changes made. Thank you for posting up to date info.

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On a related note. I saw someone on Facebook say they her daughter was just invited to apply for a scholarship at Davis. She posted a partial screenshot. Is this new for Davis?

UC Davis has only required Transfers to apply for Regents, not Freshman unless things have changed for this year.

Edited: Question about scholarship was not Regents. I agree that the UC’s do look to see if applicants meet criteria for other scholarships available and will send invites if warranted.

Her daughter is applying as a freshman.149205317_10164871650110054_8335856703278242277_n|333x500

That does not look like a Regents application. The department on her screenshot handles many types of scholarships. Letters of rec are not part of Regents scholarships at an UC.

I did not say it was Regents; just that Davis is doing some kind of invite only scholarship this year that does not seem to be going to a lot of people.

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Do you remember filling out the application and there were several questions to see if you would qualify for one of the many scholarships that are offered? It could be that her daughter qualified for one of those scholarships and they were sharing the application info with her.

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True. Could be. She posted it in a thread about Regents scholarships in a college applying Facebook group but who knows what it is.


Do people think the UCSD decisions will be out on March 12th.? Historically seems to be the second Friday in March but who knows with the increase in applicant numbers this year.

Ive heard rumors about that date but nothing official

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I had a friend get the supplemental information form from UCSD, she didnt really respond to it. Is that bad?

She should respond if it is not too late. My guess is that they would not admit her without a response but it is hard to be sure.

It was due the 31st

She submitted it but she copied and pasted a thing off her application and she left one question blank.

I got one, mine was due already. I think this last Friday by midnight. I have no idea if my essay was what they were looking for. I got rejected from CS Long Beach so I’m not feeling positive about any UC or Cal States. I would tell your friend to fill it out even if it’s late. I think its like you are teetering to be put on the discard pile so this is the chance to get put in any pile that not rejection.

She will not be automatically rejected for not completing the Supplemental but it makes it more likely she will not be accepted either. The supplemental means UCSD is interested in her and would like more information and regurgitating the same information on the UC Applicaiton will not help them in making a decision. This is the time to “toot your own horn” and a waste of a great opportunity. With the UC’s being so competitive, having an edge to help with your admissions decision is a plus.

The one she got was for hardship/tradgedy. Will the same apply for that prompt? She’s hoping that maybe they’ll think she didn’t want to share. Or do they expect some sort of response?

UCSD probably wants more information if she mentioned a Hardship or Tragedy on her UC application in the PIQ section. She should definitely respond if possible with specific time/dates/documentation etc…

Ok since the deadline passed is there any chance she should contact UCSD admissions or something to get some sort of response in or is it too late?

Since posting for a Friend is a TOS violation on College Confidential, your friend should make their own post and ask what further actions they need to take. It will be up to UCSD in the end.