**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

but idk i don’t see it anymore its a ■■■■■

someone said an admissions rep said “check your portal tomorrow morning” but others have said monday. one thing for sure - before ucb

does anyone know how San Diego posts their decision? the portal is so confusing


I was wondering that too I was recording my reactions and I wanna be prepared is it just a banner when u get into your portal or is there a view update

I believe it’s a banner but I could be wrong

rip my data then lol

If it’s similar to the other UCs, you should get an email saying to check your portal. As soon as you enter the portal it will either show your decision immediately or you will have to click something along the lines of “view update”

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I found out that if it’s admitted, you don’t need to click the status update, it will just pop out by themselves, but if it’s wl or reject, you need to click the update yourself.


Oh I hate that

im not sure but it seems that’s how UCSB UCD works, im not sure about UCI since all of my friends got wl.

idk about UCSD, but when I was accepted to UCI, I had to click on “status update” first


maybe im wrong

any chance decisions will come out today?

I don’t think so

when uci came out i got an email 10:42 est so maybe theres still a chance for today

I wish

UCI sent it in 3 waves. Wave if acceptance started at 4:30

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I think someone on here or reddit would have heard something by now if that were true though

Yup , so for today chances are pretty low

yeah, my guess is tomorrow or Monday.