**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

Nervous, too. My sons got rejected from UCs, but got accepted to private schools. Nervous because those have double the UC tuition!

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pls stop speculating


mine doesnā€™t even look for the email. :smiley:I have to tell him to go do it. Heā€™s playing tennis right now, so has given me authorization to check SD and LA portals when time.


My d says that probably means you got accepted!

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Maybe we can learn a thing a two from our kidsā€¦I am sure their blood pressure is way lower than ours!

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i did inspect element and after the IMG.admitted_banner{width: 100%; [ā€¦]ā€
thereā€™s a new section that has stuff about on/off campus

hey yall i came from the megathread on reddit n ive never been on here before LOL uhh this is what i have

home page:
forms - yes
withdraw - no

applicant info:
major - yes
ranking - yes

i hope this doesnā€™t mean a rejection


as a kid, i guarantee mine is not haha!

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One of mine only checks his email if he is expecting something. I keep them him it does not work that way.

Agreed, as much as I like seeing the forum active, can people calm down a little bit? No offense. Whenever hundreds of posts come in thatā€™s usually when decisions come out and when others people check the thread, and itā€™s a bit disappointing to check the thread and see that everything is speculation.


Is that new? I have it too. Forms with no major or ranking for context

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Your kid has reached enlightenment level 1000+. I need to be more like him!

Hey people weā€™re not stressing anybody, just wanted to kill some time waiting;
And after decisions out, if everybody replies like this: ā€œI was type 1, Iā€™m acceptedā€, then weā€™ll figure out whether weā€™re making sense

Right? Wakeup call next year!

im the kid lmaoo i need to learn from yours im not gonna live till 30 with this stress

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I donā€™t have what you guys think means is an ā€œacceptanceā€. Iā€™ve gotten into UCI, UCSB, UCD, and UCSC. Letā€™s stop speculating and eat some ice cream or something.

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Just got email from UCSB, offer me the Regent Scholarship, accepted also from UCD, UCSC.

UCSD Form- yes, no major, no withdraw, no ranking


yea I have that

UCSD admits into the University first and then into the major. They will consider your 1st choice major, your alternate major and will also accept students as Undeclared if they meet the school threshold but not the major thresholds. Yes, you can get accepted Undeclared.


I have the same thing and was accepted to UCSB no regents