**UC San Diego Class of 2025 Discussion**

I got in . I’M CRYING SO MUCH. AFTER UCI UCSB UCD REJECTION I GOT IN. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU​:sob::sob::sob::sob::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:!


This is what the UCSD website states:
Each fall quarter, a certain number (determined on an annual basis) of “continuing” sophomore students who apply will be selected to enter the capped bioengineering (BS), bioengineering: biotechnology (BS), bioengineering: bioinformatics (BS), or bioengineering: biosystems (BS) majors. Interested continuing students must not be past sophomore year, as time to graduation would be delayed since departmental upper-division courses are currently offered only once a year.

Continuing students will be required to complete the following courses prior to applying, depending on their major of choice:

Bioengineering and bioengineering: biotechnology: BILD 1; CHEM 6A-B; MAE 8; MATH 20A-C; PHYS 2A-B.

Bioengineering: bioinformatics: BILD 1; CHEM 6A-B; CSE 11 (or 8A-B); MATH 20A-C; PHYS 2A-B.

Bioengineering: biosystems: CHEM 6A-B; MATH 20A-C, PHYS 2A-B.

If students have met some of the above requirements through Advanced Placement course work, they should be advised of the following: A minimum of three courses listed must have been completed at UC San Diego. If students cannot meet this three-course minimum due to prior credit, students must offer grades for MATH 20D, MATH 18, or MATH 20E until the three-course minimum has been met.

Students will receive email instructions from the Bioengineering Student Affairs Office concerning completion of an online application at the beginning of fall quarter of their second year. Online applications must be submitted by Friday of the first week of instruction in fall quarter. Continuing students’ applications will be ranked according to the GPA obtained in the required courses only.

Applications to a capped major will be approved, starting with the student having the highest GPA in the required courses, until the predetermined target number is reached. The Bioengineering Student Affairs Office will notify students in a timely manner who are successful in transitioning into one of the capped majors.

Continuing students who apply and are unable to transition into one of the capped majors will also be notified of their status in a timely manner by the Bioengineering Student Affairs Office.


from my rejection letter

Forms: yes
major: psychology at Marshall


wait how do you know the acceptance rate already?

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Son got accepted to CS. We are local.

GPA 3.95 UW 4.25W

Rejected: UCSB, Harvey Mudd, Carleton
Waitlisted: UCI
Accepted: UCSC, Cal Poly Pomona, SDSU, Colorado School of Mines


Accepted - out of state
International studies- international business
Muir college
GPA: uw- 3.96 w-4.15
SAT: not submitted


Yes, you can eventually switch in. I’m a Bioengineering major if you have more questions.

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rejected, but ik where im going to go

rejection turns to redirection


I have a premed friend in ERC right now, I haven’t heard any complaints from him.

Thank you very much

Thanks, I’ll be sure to ask any questions when they come up =)

How the hell does one pay for this expensive ass school lol? Got accepted but it doesn’t feel like an achievement…


did anyone get accepted with yes forms / yes major? or is it mostly yes forms / no major as the trend for those accepted?

My son was rejected from Bioengineering but admitted to Molecular and Cell Biology. How difficult is it to switch to Bioengineering? I would imagine there are some common courses. Thanks

i got waitlisted with yes forms/yes major


This is the activity I like to see! I hope nerves calmed down from earlier at least a little bit. No matter what decision y’all got, I hope this doesn’t weigh on you too much as this doesn’t reflect on you as a person or determine your future… we will defeat the volatile storm that is the 2021 admissions cycle lol

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Are you OOS?

DD Accepted. Seventh College for Enironmental Science. In State.


You cannot switch into Bioengineering until Sophomore year.

This is what the UCSD website states:
Each fall quarter, a certain number (determined on an annual basis) of “continuing” sophomore students who apply will be selected to enter the capped bioengineering (BS), bioengineering: biotechnology (BS), bioengineering: bioinformatics (BS), or bioengineering: biosystems (BS) majors. Interested continuing students must not be past sophomore year, as time to graduation would be delayed since departmental upper-division courses are currently offered only once a year.

Continuing students will be required to complete the following courses prior to applying, depending on their major of choice:

Bioengineering and bioengineering: biotechnology: BILD 1; CHEM 6A-B; MAE 8; MATH 20A-C; PHYS 2A-B.

Bioengineering: bioinformatics: BILD 1; CHEM 6A-B; CSE 11 (or 8A-B); MATH 20A-C; PHYS 2A-B.

Bioengineering: biosystems: CHEM 6A-B; MATH 20A-C, PHYS 2A-B.

If students have met some of the above requirements through Advanced Placement course work, they should be advised of the following: A minimum of three courses listed must have
been completed at UC San Diego. If students cannot meet this three-course minimum due to prior credit, students must offer grades for MATH 20D, MATH 18, or MATH 20E until the three-course minimum has been met.

Students will receive email instructions from the Bioengineering Student Affairs Office concerning completion of an online application at the beginning of fall quarter of their second year. Online applications must be submitted by Friday of the first week of instruction in fall quarter. Continuing students’ applications will be ranked according to the GPA obtained in the required courses only.

Applications to a capped major will be approved, starting with the student having the highest GPA in the required courses, until the predetermined target number is reached. The Bioengineering Student Affairs Office will notify students in a timely manner who are successful in transitioning into one of the capped majors.

Continuing students who apply and are unable to transition into one of the capped majors will also be notified of their status in a timely manner by the Bioengineering Student Affairs Office.

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