UC San Diego Class of 2027 Official Thread

If he were to choose to attend a UC, read through the details of the residency requirements so that he doesn’t lose his status. He will have to submit more documentation at the end of the first year.

Non-Resident Dependent of a California Resident (Condit Bill) – A Student who has a Parent who both satisfies the Residency Requirements and either claims the Student as a tax dependent or continually contributed court-ordered child support for the Student during the one year immediately before the Residence Determination Date shall be eligible for a limited-duration Residence Classification for one academic year. A Parent who relocated to California must have severed any and all ties to their former residence; refer to “Sec. III. 1./2” The Student may thereafter be eligible for a Resident Classification if the Parent continues to satisfy the Residency Requirements and the Student has demonstrated timely fulfillment of the Residency Requirements. This provision requires that Students submit a new SLR at the end of their Condit academic year per campus policy. Students who fail to concurrently fulfill the requirements will be reclassified as Nonresident which is not eligible for appeal review. Students who have lived in California for more than one year after turning age 18 are not eligible for this provision

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Absolutely. Thanks.

We submitted UC App last weekend, for UCSD his choices are Bio Engineering and Chemical Engineering. Both are capped major, We got an email saying alternate major should not be capped major. Here is the exact verbiage(See below). He wants to do Bio Engineering, now I am wondering what alternate non capped major we should select which is close to the field.

Important Major Information

  • You’ve selected a capped major (Bioengineering). Make sure you select an alternate major that is not capped. As a reminder, transfer applicants are not admitted to UC San Diego as undeclared. You can change your major in the Applicant Portal until January 31.

All Engineerings majors at UCSD are capped so what specifically interests him about BioEngineering?

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I was going to say the same thing… what does he want to do with a Bio Engineering degree? Is he thinking about pre-med?

Depending on his interests, possible uncapped majors: Biochemistry, Cognitive Science with Specialization in Machine Learning and Neural Computation, Environmental Chemistry, Molecular Synthesis


Currently he is at school and will have to talk to him to see other options, thanks for the suggestion. Currently he is doing research at a Bio lab, he is working on editing the influenza genes(CRISPR). Bio chemistry and Molecular synthesis look to be our next option, will discuss and update on what he decides.


Good luck y’all. As a current student it’s amazing to be here so wishing everyone the best. If anyone has questions I can try to speak about it (CE major, class of 2025).


Can you talk about your DE classes from community college? Did all of them transfer? In hindsight would you skip some of them?

I made a mistake on one of the UCSD SLR forms that they require you to fill out in their portal. I emailed the residence deputy about the error, but the automated response says it could take up to 2 weeks for them to respond. I’m not sure how quickly these forms need to be submitted.

Does anyone know how I should proceed?

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Are you Freshman or Transfer applicant for Fall 2023?

Freshman, in-state applicant

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With decisions not coming out until March, I would not worry about the 2 weeks needed to fix the error. Majority of applicants will not be reviewed until after the holidays. SLR form is required for newly admitted UC students so as long it is updated prior to your acceptance or by May 1, 2023, you are fine.

Glad to hear that, thank you for your response

Some information regarding Preliminary Waitlist data for Fall 2022. UCSD’s process was slightly different than previous years in which they rejected some applicants halfway through the process and kept others on a waitlist short list for possible admission later. I will be starting a separate discussion thread in February 2023 prior to decisions in March with more information and previous years data.

Waitlist opt ins: 36,137
Waitlist admits: 2401

thirty six thousand students on the UCSD waitlist for 2022? 36,000??

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Yes based on the numbers presented at the UC Counselor conference.


Can you explain what the SLR form is? When my son logged in to the portal the only notices were an admissions survey which was optional. Will it be looked upon negatively if he doesn’t complete the survey?

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My son also received the same notice reagrding his major. He chose Biomedical Engineering as his first choice and Mechanical Engineering as his second choice. Will his application be looked upon negatively if he doesn’t change his alternate major? He really doesn’t want to go to UCSD if he doesn’t get into an Engineering major so I’m not sure why we would change anything. I don’t think it’s wise to enter under another uncapped major and then try to gain entry into the Engineering college since it’s very impacted but maybe I’m missing something.

My son is thinking the same thing. He originally picked an uncapped science major as his alternate, but is wondering if it would actually be preferable to choose another Engineering major instead.

The SLR form is the Statement of Legal Residency which will eventually have to be filled out for any of the UC schools the student enrolls to confirm a student’s state residency for tuition purposes. UCSD is being proactive in that they are asking for SLR in advance to help determine an appropriate financial aid package if accepted. Not a negative if the survey is not completed. They are just try to collect more information depending upon the questions on the survey. None of the UC’s consider an applicant’s level of interest when it comes to admissions.

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