UC San Diego Class of 2027 Official Thread

it was odd as it just said opt into waitlist
maybe that is not the decision…it didnt say “you are waitlisted” just said “opt into waitlist”. is this true for all?

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UCSD may have a technical issue…Waitlisted message is now gone

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Those very high stats posted above can’t be waitlisted. Seems like a glitch…

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Does this mean we didn’t actually get waitlisted?

i already opted in for waitlist…but blank portal now

I’m not going to even bother having my son check the portal until this mess is sorted out.


you’d be suprised lol

This is terrible. It’s high enough stress for these kids as is.

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No, I think the waitlists are true, but I think it was meant probably to be displayed better.


Hope me opting into the waitlist doesn’t mess up a potential acceptance if it was a glitch , I remain hopeful that it will sort itself out

Same here.
My guess is the waitlisted student will probably stay the same though.

at this point I’m considering sleeping and checking later once I get the email (its 4 AM in my country)


Yes, they may be in the process of fixing it to be friendlier and show appropriate messages for each decision. I prefer UCLA’s “shut down the portal until we get it worked out”…


I’d recommend that, this stress isn’t worth it that early in the morning

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just logged in to see portal was messed up- is it for everyone? I know it is for those who had seen waitlisted - we never saw that so not sure if the whole portal/site is down.

Nah… I think it’s all working fine.


so approx an hour left

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Seems to me UCSD could use some good CS candidates.


Yeah, “WAITLIST” in huge font and essentially no other text isn’t the most sensitive graphic they could’ve chosen lol.

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