UC San Diego Class of 2027 Official Thread

You can read about the Jacobs School Scholarship on the UCSD website. Irwin Jacobs was a co-founder of Qualcomm.


Recipients of the Jacobs School Scholarship are selected for their academic achievement, demonstrated leadership, commitment to community, and innovative potential. Jacobs Scholars represent the top of the engineering applicants. The Jacobs Scholarship is a scholarship designed to help students set their futures in motion and covers the cost of all in-state tuition and fees. In addition, priority enrollment, amazing resources and a connection to the larger engineering community set Jacobs Scholars apart.

The scholarship includes a number of benefits including: a four-year scholarship that covers the full cost of in-state tuition, room and board; a four-year on-campus housing guarantee; priority course enrollment; and numerous professional development opportunities.

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Just additional info in regards to the campus - UCSD has received 3 billion dollars donation for capital improvements for these past years and it’s evidence in all of the new state of the art reserach facilities on campus, a new Antonio Franklin lab building, a new art and invovation building, plus recently completed an amphitheater that host events/concert weekly, etc. The new trolley line (free for student) opened last year with a station on campus and it is now very easy to take the trolley to downtown, airport, UTC shopping mall (best shopping mall in San Diego!), to SDSU campus (parties are supposed to be better :slightly_smiling_face:), etc. NorCal students, come take a look at UCSD, it’s not “Bay Area”, but you may be surprised to see the new image of UCSD campus and how beautiful San Diego is. Off-campus housing is expensive and still problematic as UCSD only gaurantee 2 years of housing. So, keep that in mind if living on-campus for 4 years is important to you. However, the campus is actively building more student housing.

The campus is very large with medical school, pharmacy and hospitals are on the east side and the rest are on the west side. There is a loop shuttle that goes around the campus, or you need a bike or scooter if you want to go from point A to point B faster. If you are looking for a smaller campus, UCSD is not for you. On the brighter side, you will have a great exercise walking if you chose to attend!

I can attest that UCSD is not “socially dead”. But it’s true there are not too many parties on campus. The students are definitey taking studying very seriously but it’s not cut-throat. All classes are taught by professor. The last classes have small break-out sessions that students can attend with TA. All problems related to any large universities exist. Bike thefts, larger class sizes (only lower divisions and some GEs. So far in the second year the largest class size my son had was 120), some professors are better some are worse, housing density, fighting to enroll for classes (this got better as you move up the credits. Students with more credits got an earlier enrolling time). The Administration does not hold student hand at all. They think students are adult, and they will not communicate with parents. So, it’s important that student learn to advocate for him/herself. But for all those problems (which exist in a large state university), my S21 is happy at UCSD so far. The academic is tough but friends are supportive. Please be aware that the quarter system is very rigorous and fast paced, and UCSD is not an easy school by any means.

For outdoor person, UCSD is walking distance to beach. Surf club is popular. There is a scholarship for surfer! Hang glider port is just off the campus, and tons of hiking trails in San Diego.


A friend’s daughter received Jacob Scholarship about 4 years ago. It’s the most elite scholarship for UCSD. Full-ride with every perks you can have. It’s from Irwin Jacob the co-founder of Qualcomm and early CS professor at UCSD. Jacob’s scholar students are very successful. Congratulations!!! Jacob School of Engineering ranks #10 in the country. Six spots above UCLA (if that matter to help with your son’s decision to accept the Jacob Scholarship).


why does UCSD even offer undeclared acceptance for capped major applications? Waitlist would be a better offer than undeclared given there is barely any hope of getting into these majors especially computer science . Undeclared seems like a soft rejection

Some students are unsure of their major, or would be happy to choose an uncapped major. So for example, a student might decide that they would be happy with Data Science (a capped major, but more of a chance than CS), or Cognitive Science with Specialization in Machine Learning and Neural Computation.

I agree that if a student would only be happy with CS but they are admitted undeclared, UCSD would not be a good choice. They are not going to be able to declare CS from undeclared. But there are a lot of CS-adjacent majors for the open minded student.

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Stevens is excellent for engineering although they are best known for their quantitative finance program. They are right across the Hudson Bay from Manhattan and Wall Street, so great location for finance students and grads as it is just 20 minutes by train or ferry to NYC. I fell in love with Hoboken when I visited the campus with my son 2 years ago. I can stare at the view all day long and the trails surrounding the school are impressive.

But back to engineering. The school supports co-ops and 30% of engineering students take advantage and graduate in 5 years. They also have an accelerated Master’s program that allow internal students who apply and are accepted to double count certain courses towards their bachelor’s and masters. On their website they cited a college ranking study by Money magazine that focuses on quality of education, affordability and outcomes and apparently Stevens ranked higher than U Chicago, Boston College, CMU, WPI and RIT with average early career salary of $98,160.

They are definitely growing and expanding. When I was there they were almost done constructing a new high rise dorm/apartments for students. Stevens often offers substantial merit scholarships to high stats California students to bring down COA. Please message me if you have any questions as this is a UCSD thread but I know the Stevens thread is not lively. I did some research about the school since it was one of the 3 finalists for my son that we visited during April before deciding where to commit, the other 2 being Cal Poly SLO CS and UIUC CS+Music and I would disagree Stevens is a safety school, especially for CS, Engineering and Finance.

Thank you for the info. He is super excited and I think this helped make his decision. He received a merit one at sdsu but he applied for that one. This was unexpected :relaxed:


Thanks a lot !!

I can’t think of any downside for accepting Jacob Scholarship. Jacob scholar receives housing for 4 years, priority registration, mentorship similar to Regent, but Regent is not a full-ride. Jacob Scholarship is full-ride, plus the scholars get a research, attend events hosted by Qualcomm and industries, and meet with Mr. Jacob personally. This is an incredible opportunity! :blush:


@SDmom8 My son got assigned to seventh college. Will there be any engineering students in that college? He is a bioengineered major. He had requested Muir and Warren as his top choices is it possible to request change of college?

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There will be engineering students in all the colleges. Has your son (or you) checked out the Welcome New Tritons thread on the UCSD reddit? Lots and lots of people with this same question and you will see other engineering students (and others) posting about their admission to Seventh, and people mostly reassuring them. Sounds like there are some things to like about Seventh too. :slight_smile:

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The UCSD residential colleges are not major specific so all majors can be found in all the colleges.


Could you please provide me the link to the Reddit? Thanks

Here you go: Welcome New Tritons

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Thank you :pray:

I never heard that the culture at UCSD was overly competitive or had an unconventional grading. The grading is curved. They also show the grade for your peers in the class (no name, just how many people in the class got A’s, B’s, etc). My son is in CSE and the environment is pretty supportive. He also had to take courses like physics in Revelle and math at Muir, he didn’t mention anything about unconventional grading.


UCSD can be very competitive. It depends on the department and field of study. That being said, not everyone is like this. Every professor decides how they grade their own class. Some choose to grade on a curve, some don’t. However, the grading policy isn’t really unconventional.


Are there certain departments known for more or less competitiveness or different grading policies? What would be a good source of information if a student wanted to find out more about this?

Usually, departments don’t set grading policies. Professors choose how to grade their own classes. I am really only familiar with students in CogSci. It can be very competitive to get a research assistantship. That being said, most of the students I worked with were very nice and friendly. I really think it depends on the department, the professor, and the lab. The professor sets the tone for their lab.


I think that kind of information is more word of mouth. It’s kind of like Yelp. It’s more likely for a person that is not happy with their situation to comment. Overall, I wouldn’t worry about students being competitive. But I would be careful choosing professors that are a good match for your personality and learning style. Ratemyprofessors is a good source of information. I haven’t looked at specific UCSD professors.