UC San Diego Class of 2027 Official Thread

she said it’s the same!

Ok, I don’t think this email indicates anything about admission probability. It’s possible that you didn’t receive it because it might be sent only to students selecting certain majors on the application. Or maybe it was sent and went to your spam folder. I wouldn’t worry about it.


Wow, 4.33! it was the top of UC capped GPA you could get.

No UC’s will auto admit any applicant even UC Merced which is the default campus for UC ELC eligible applicants but still does not accept all referrals.


How do you know what your UC GPA is?

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What is your daughter’s desired major? Are you in-state or OOS?

I don’t think UCSD usually sent the info to parents, except donation emails, or family related events.


@CAGRL here are instructions for calculating UC GPA:


The UC’s will consider all 3 UC GPA’s: Unweighted, Capped Weighted and Fully Weighted. The Capped weighted GPA is the most quoted GPA on the UCOP website with a maximum of 4.4.

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D23 also received a (non-capped) specific major email - I did not. It never occurred to me (and still does not) it was a sign in any direction - just part of the process.

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Can you share a post about auto admit at UCSB?

There is no auto admit for UCSB nor any other UC.


Can’t find the thread. One admitted student in UCSB said he found out his essays were read only once before admission, so he questioned the admission office and realized there might be an auto-admit for high GPA students like himself. Hope this is not mis-leading.

It was not an auto admit but UCSB opted not to have the PIQ’s read by a 2nd reader since the scores given were high enough for this applicant.

The auto admit was mentioned by the OP which is a misnomer. They were a strong candidate so a 2nd reading was not needed.

The UC’s consider 13 areas of review criteria and will decide if parts of the application require only 1 reader or 2nd or even a 3rd review.

Here is the discussion: What Happens after UC Admissions Readers Grade Your Application?


Where can I find a list of which majors are capped? I’m pretty sure my first choice major is capped so I listed a 2nd choice, but I want to make sure my 2nd choice is not capped.

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Thank you. Am I at any disadvantage by having my first choice major as a capped major or is it fine as long as I have an alternate major listed that is not capped?

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No disadvantage if you have a Capped major as your first choice and it is recommended to have a non-capped major as an alternate.

UCSD admits into the University first then into the major so you may be admitted with your 1st choice major, alternate major or even Undeclared.

Best of luck.


where can we find majors that are not capped?

Any majors that are not on the Capped major list are considered non-capped.

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Applied as an incoming freshman to two capped majors. Are my chances of admission into UCSD still the same as if I’d listed one capped major, and one non-capped alternate? I’m wondering why they said they “strongly recommend” that I switch to a non-capped alternate if they admit to the university as a whole first, especially since it’s relatively easy to declare a non-capped major once admitted undeclared anyway. Also, will selecting 2 capped majors be looked down upon for not following their suggestion? TIA!

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