UC Santa Barbara Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Yeahh…five from my class applied. All varying but great stats and extracurriculars-we were all rejected.

Bummed to go to Cal Poly. Those are first world problems.


Not bummed to go to Cal Poly!! One of his top choices! Bummed at being waitlisted in general, anywhere, when his twin was accepted.


Anyone who says they know the secret sauce is capping! Don’t try to be unconventional, its so obvious. Do what you want and it will all work out!


  1. Test Optional seems fair. Good point on your no GPA, no ECs analogy.

My D got really sick for 4 weeks in Fall Junior year. Grades on 2 of her classes were not good. She was on target to get straight As in Spring Junior year. However, she ended up with Pass/No Pass like everybody else! She got a decent score in SAT but UC is doing Test Blind. Bad luck for her!

  1. On related subject regarding UC Capped GPA. It includes only 10th and 11th grades with AP credits limited to 8 points per year. I don’t think this is fair. In my opinion, no students should do AP test and get extra point any way. They should all enjoy high school, study college level material in college. This AP class and college application process consumes every high school student’s time and effort. I would say most students take AP class NOT for the love of intellectual challenge. They should enjoy life while they are young!

Well UCSF isnt a school for undergrads lmao so id assume so…
UCD on the other hand has a nursing school but im unsure if it was for undergrads or not.

when can you register for classes

So just looking for theories. My daughter got into Aero at UCI but rejected for ME at UCSB. No admit to alternate major no waitlist. It’s okay. But it doesn’t make sense. What do you all think?

What’s the number of kids in both programs? Maybe there are more spots available generally at UCI? I felt I had a way better understanding of my kid’s chances when I saw that they enrolled X number in his major at each school, then roughly estimated the admittance rate based on yield.

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In a way it’s a kind of good the UCs aren’t universal in the way they see kids, otherwise all the same kids would get in all the schools, while another group of kids wouldn’t get in any. Kind of spreads things out a bit.


The entire process is unpredictable, and with the pandemic, test blind policy, less extracurriculars senior year, deferrals of people from last year, more applicants both the competition is higher and the chances more unpredictable. I got into a lot if schools with a lower psych acceptance rate than UCI and UCSB, and for rejected from both despite it being mid targets for me. Every UC has it’s own way of evaluating its applicants and seeing best fit. They accept you if you fit the profile of the students they want this year.


True. I should look at that.

@GPlove My cousin reads for Cal and she’s been trying to crack the code of how UCs decide and after 7 years, she still doesn’t get it. She said it’s so random what each UC decides. My S21’s friend got regents at UCI this year but couldn’t get in his same major at UCSB and is undeclared. Engineering being his major, I think it would be a great challenge to get in if he’s not a direct admit. He’s a very qualified candidate, too.


Yeah, it was interesting for my kid’s major (EE). UCI enrolls about 90-100 for each class, UCSB only has 50-60, and UCLA has 150. I wont even discuss UCB :slight_smile:

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What is UCSB’s Gap year policy?

The UCs generally did not granted gap years and you had to reapply. Last year, due to Covid, at least UCSC and UCD did grant gap years. It may be possible but you should contact them.

UCD Nursing school only offers Graduate level Nursing programs: NP/MSN

Pretty much all the UC’s do not allow deferrals and they are decided upon on a case by case basis. UCD is the only campus that allow deferrals but again it needs to be approved. UCSC allow deferrals last year but due to housing issues/over enrollment and the pandemic.

Gap years will most likely not be granted with as much commonality as last year because the UC system announced they will be on campus for fall quarter.


UCSB’s Engineering department is much smaller than UCI so less spots avaialble. If I remember the numbers correctly, UCI admits 3x as many Engineering students than UCSB.

For 2020, UCSB had around 1600 total enrolled students in Engineering disciplines with a third in CS.

UCI had around 600 enrolled Freshman only in Engineering for 2020 and a total of 3639 total Engineering students. CS is in a separate college.