UC Santa Barbara Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Well, waitlisted at UCI UCD UCSD for CE so far… considering how small UCSB’s engineering college is, not much hope of getting in but who knows, maybe miracles can happen lol

One of my friends (current college Freshman) was rejected/waitlisted from every UC, but got into UCSB for CS, so maybe there is some hope.


How to Apply | UCSB College of Creative Studies Check this link. I assume your student will be rejected if the separate application was not submitted.

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The separate application was submitted. However, given the competitiveness of CCS, my gut says they don’t even bother looking at anyone who doesn’t list it as their first choice.


yes, D22 was waitlisted at UCI and UCSD for CE. Rejected at UCLA and accepted at UCSC and Cal Poly SLO. UCSB is her dream - let’s see but she is prepared for a no now!


In a very similar situation, also rejected from UCLA but received Regents and College Honors at UCSC, but got waitlisted at Cal Poly SLO

I visited UCSB in 9th grade and fell in love with the campus… a UCSB rejection would probably be more disappointing than my impending Berkeley rejection :cry:


:slightly_smiling_face: Yes, same for her (UCSB > UCB). So we are prepping for the worst-case scenario, probably she will be disappointed for a day or two and then get over it.

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You both could be triplets with my son. He is waiting with bated breath for the UCSB decision. He told me to check the portal and give him the “expected” bad news because he would be too nervous to check for himself.

Also WL at UCSD and UCI.


My son is a freshman at UCSB - it has been life changing for him. He went as a reserved, not particularly sociable high schooler and within 4 months has turned into a confident, sociable, hard working young man. Yes there’s partying but many don’t, or they choose a less crazy social scene. He plays beach volleyball, goes out to dinner on State Street, hangs at the beach, is on 3 intramural teams, has taken on a minor, has a job and he’s the norm not the exception. All the students getting into UCSB are seriously bright and it is one of the most beautiful places in the world to get an education. Good luck to everyone today.


Oh! This made me sad! The stress this process puts on our kids! I hope he gets good news today! Sending good thoughts!


So nice to read this! I’m glad to hear your son is thriving at UCSB. Thank you for posting this.


EE Program Statistics (Fall 2021)

  • 1586 applicants | 479 admitted | 79 enrolled
  • Average incoming GPA: 4.33
  • Lower Division avg. class size: 140 students
  • Upper Division avg. class size: 70 students
  • Student to faculty ratio: 7

These are the stats for the Electrical Engineering major. Acceptance rate is hovering around 30%

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Good luck to your son. I feel his pain. I was WL at UCLA and UCSD, and rejected at UCI. I was accepted at UCD, SDSU and Cal Poly SLO, so I am grateful to have some in-state options, but UCLA is pretty much my in-state dream school, followed by UCSB.


Any thoughts on when they will send out decisions today?

They said 3 pm


This year’s been extremely unpredictable. huge deviation from past statistics. about 100 kids get accepted by each of the UCs from my daughter’s school but this year it’s all waitlist. all odds against California kids.

Anyone know the acceptance rate for Earth Science majors?

UCSB does not admit by major in the College of Letters and Sciences so will not break out stats specific for each major.


Thank you – what is the acceptance rate into this college?

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T-2 hours


I’m praying hard right now waitlisted at UCLA Cal Poly and UCSD
At this school we wrote down actuarial Degree in the College of Letters of Science something has to go our way!