**UC Santa Cruz Waitlist Class of 2025**

What’s the OOS college?

D got off WL yesterday for Neuroscience. Have time till Friday to decide. Weighing it against OOS that she has already committed to. Still waiting on UCSD, UCI, UCSB.


I’m still on the waitlist for psychology. I wonder if there’s any chance for me left.

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D still on waitlist for Marine Bio. Want to remain hopeful but need to be realistic too. Enrolling at CC for fall. Does anyone know the chances of getting housing if admitted off the waitlist?

My son got off the wait-list yesterday (Friday, as predicted by this board). He is undeclared. Terrible mom here admitting I’m not certain what his exact GPA is, unweighted v. weighted, etc. I know it’s over a 4.0, I think a 4.24. He took the SAT as a rising junior and had a 1400 with intentions to take it again - but Covid. He was captain of his basketball team. Did all the volunteering and community work. Attended a very well-respected private HS in So.Cal. (with tons of financial aid). Quite honestly, we were VERY SURPRISED when he did not get accepted right away but again - Covid. I’m so grateful for this board, you all gave us hope when we had convinced ourselves he was headed to a JC (and nothing wrong with that, for the record!). He actually was so bought in to the JuCo idea he’s not sure he’s going to attend UCSC after all. But I just wanted to thank everyone on here - you have all been so supportive and kind to one another. Good luck to everyone who is still waiting.



That’s similar to my son (especially SAT), but without the ECs. Anyway, they weren’t looking at SAT scores. He got into UC Riverside and is very interested in going there. No word from UCSC but we aren’t even paying much attention at this point.

Nothing wrong with the JuCo route…it’s just that our local college will be online this coming semester and I was hoping my daughter could get into something more “normal”. Either way, an education will be had!

We never seriously considered community college. I understand the idea, but I don’t think it’s what my son needs right now. I think he really wants to get away. I am pretty sure he’d be bored staying with us and would not be motivated at all to do any better as a transfer student.

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Same boat here. Considering OOS but financially very challenging for our family.

We attended an info session for WUE colleges, which offer in state tuition to out of state students. www.wiche.edu/tuition-savings/wue/. They really court Cali high school students because Cali colleges are so impacted. Many WUE-affiliated universities are still accepting applications, have rolling admissions. I think the highest unweighted GPA was 3.3. A good alternative for competitive impacted majors like nursing, CS, business. A friend’s daughter transferred from Sac State to Hawaii college because she couldn’t get into nursing major with a 3.5 GPA (though I believe WUE in state tuition does not apply to transfer students).

I was very interested to hear about WUE, but looking over the list, I didn’t see anything preferable to a comparable CSU school. The ones that would have caught my interest aren’t part of WUE. My son wasn’t that interested anyway.

Wisconsin Madison

Thank you. WUE is not a given, it is not guaranteed.My daughter did not receive WUE at her OOS school, although they do offer it. They did offer another scholarship, for which we are grateful, but it is several thousands less than having received WUE. Many schools only offer WUE to those with GPAs of 3.9 and above. It’s a little misleading as many families are led to believe WUE is a “sure thing” and it is not.


Wow! I had no idea about this with WUE. I thought it was a given if the school is a WUE school!!

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So did we…disappointment everywhere…

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@pbcparent @srbacon

My D admitted to Utah with minimum $14000/year WUE scholarship. We didn’t commit so I don’t know what the final amount could be. From what Utah says, if you have 3.0 GPA, WUE is pretty much automatic. I know student with 4.0 UW GPA even offered full scholarship.

WSU, OSU, and UNLV are colleges also offer WUE. Arizona, ASU, Colorado Boulder do not offer WUE but they give pretty good scholarship for OOS students according to their GPA. Few of these schools have rolling application and might not be too late to apply.

Also, New Mexico offers WUE at 100% in-state tuition if you have 3.50 UW GPA!

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Slight clarification, while the Arizona schools give good merit OOS, Boulder does not. Or, it depends on what one means by “good.”

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I think you are right with Boulder. Oregon offers some merit scholarship, but not much.

I was hoping U Arizona would be good but looks to me like if you don’t hit the 3.9 UW GPA OOS merit drops off steeply - coupled with a pretty high OOS tuition ($38k) it seems expensive.

I don’t know if it is too late to apply. Since essay is not required(except honors college), all you have to do is submit you application and FAFSA.

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