UC schools harm local students by admitting so many from out of state, audit finds

From the LA Times:

The article notes "The audit found that resident enrollment increased by only 10% over the last 10 years while out-of-state students rose by 432 percent. Nonresidents benefited from lowered admission standards, while California students increasingly were turned away from their campus of choice, the audit found.

But the audit’s conclusions were denounced by UC President Janet Napolitano. She said that an unprecedented cut in state support for the 10-campus system prompted the effort to recruit more nonresident students, who pay higher tuition."

This is beyond infuriating, especially the part about standards not being as stringent for the out of state admittees.


This explains why so many qualified students got rejected from all the UC’s except from Riverside, Merced, or Santa Cruz.

Yep, I posted even before the audit that Cali kids, esp girls, are getting shut out of UC engineering because they are selling those slots to OOS and foreign kids. I at least hoped they were selling them to kids with better stats, but they aren’t.

They don’t sell the Riverside, Merced and Santa Cruz slots, they sell the UCB COE, UCLA Samueli, UCSD Jacobs, etc etc. (among many others - over 40% non-CA in some UC schools.) And they sell them cheap. 38k for non-Residents at UCs. UMich 43K - 47K. UVA 40K-45K

Napolitano and the other carpetbaggers should pack their bags and get out. We need admins with CA’s student, taxpayer and future’s best interests in place.

Everyone should write or call:
Janet Napolitano: president@ucop.edu

(You could ask her about her 570k salary, 9k car allowance and 9k a month rent - on top of the money spent on improving her “mansion.”)

UC Regents: regentsoffice@ucop.edu
Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff to the Regents
1111 Franklin St.,12th floor
Oakland, CA 94607
(You could ask them about the 3% pay raise they just gave a bunch of UC admins. How many in state students would that have paid for?)

You can write or call the regents directly as well:
Richard C. Blum can be reached at: Blum Capital Partners, 909 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94133 Tel 415 434 1111. You could ask him about war-profiteering, or just how he managed to get a UC education…

Write to Gov. Brown: https://govnews.ca.gov/gov39mail/mail.php
Governor Jerry Brown, c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 445-2841

These guys either need to fix this or it’s time to defund the UCs and make them the private Universities the admins want them to be.

@GoldenWest @CaliDad2020

So the tables on the Berkeley website showing OOS admits having higher SAT and higher GPA is just a lie?

@Desiree2 dunno - the report is UC wide. It is possible that individual schools, departments, majors etc would not follow the norm across all UCs.

I’m not really going to waste any more time diving into the stats on this, because I’ve done enough research to know that the UC President, Dean, Chancellors etc. do not really care about this problem. They are just playing poker to try and up the budget.

When UC Irvine comes out and says “Oh we have room for more students, we just don’t have the budget for more resident students” you know it is for legislature consumption.

The obvious fact is there are plenty of very qualified resident kids being passed over and forced out of state or to privates. OOS state students are even supposedly getting financial aid??!! (which is crazy if true.) They already get a huge break on private or other top OS school tuitions.

As I said, we’re done with the UC so now we’re supporting anyone who wants to defund it. Any “slash and burn” candidates for governor, give us a call. Maybe we can get our 100k back in lower taxes in the next 20 years! lol.


I only looked at UCB and UCLA’s stats for admitted and OOS has higher stats than in state. But it is possible at other UC schools where academics are not as important as ability to pay, OOS with lower stats will get in over in state if the OOS can pay full tuition.

I wrote emails to both Gov Brown and Napolitano about our states screwed up UC schools that we have been paying taxes on. I was doing research and found Napolitanos pay (and its everything you said above). W’hy are we paying for someone’s rent and car?
My daughter was identified 9%, which means she is GUARANTEED a UC spot. She is 4.2 with 2030 SAT’s. She was denied Berkely (not surprised) waitlisted at UCLA and UCSB (this was her safety!). But, last week she was offered UC Merced! This is the guarantee school. She also was denied SLO. She went in as business to most. When I called SLO and asked why she wasn’t admitted, admissions said, “I don’t know, she has higher scores then average applicant.” so now my daughter is going OOS and we are paying OOS tuition.
My emails to Brown and Napolitano were stating our situation and some of ideas for fixing. Also, I let them know that we keep talking about student debt. Well here it is! We apply to 4 in state schools and get denied. Now, my daughter will come out of school with debt because we can only pay what it would cost to send her in state. (I have 2 in college). Sorry, but there are too many programs that are helping just a certain amount of kids. It takes a lot of money to run these programs. UC schools need to get back to basics! We are paying taxes for an education that we were sold would benefit CA students. It’s not! There are way too many int’l and OOS kids being let in because of OOS tuition prices. It’s forcing CA kids to go OOS and pay higher tuition. If int’l and OOS students want to come to CA for education that badly, put them in Merced. When is someone going to put an end to this racket!

@stupidsystem Maybe UC president etc. need to be elected in a general election?

The legislature is going to have to legislate these issues because the Regents, Chancellors, Deans and President are incapable of controlling themselves. How man UC Deans need to be removed before the legislature starts hiring grown-ups?

@CaliDad2020 i dont think i trust californias to elect a uc president, lol. We might just get another politician. maybe hire someone to replace uc president that has business back ground? Someone that can scale down expenditures, salaries and trim the excess.

@CaliDad2020 Agree. We have enough trouble with the elected officials we already have to pick…

This might be a dumb question but… if I attended a school out of CA then moved there the summer after my junior year would I be considered in state when I apply for colleges?

It really seems like a lot of states are selling their top flagship universities to OOS students and not just California making all of these parents pay more money for OOS tuition. For some parents, this may not be a problem but I assume it is a problem for many. I really wish this was not how states balance their budgets.

I wonder if those upset by this are also among those who cheered when Schwarzennegger cut UC funding, thus forcing the UC to find other sources of revenue?