UC SIR Trouble?

So I made the mistake of submitting an SIR to two UC Campuses literally right now. I got into both UCSB and UCR and was planning on attending UCSB. However, I don’t know why but I was curious to see how much the orientation fee was for UCR and somehow accidentally SIR’d. I expected UCR’s SIR process to be multiple steps like UCSB but that wasn’t the case… I then went ahead and sent an email to UCR saying that I didn’t mean to SIR there and they replied back saying that the cancellation will process in 5 days.

However, now I’m sort of regretting my decision in going to UCSB because it’s a bit far from where I live (2-3 hours). UCR is still a bit far (45 min), but I am able to commute there and I feel more at ease being there for my family. I love UCSB but I don’t think I’m ready to leave home. Do you think it is possible for me to cancel my SIR cancellation for UCR since it’s still processing and then cancel for UCSB? Or is it too late since the deadline’s basically already passed.

Not too late. You are not the only one that SIR’d to more than one UC campus, but need to square it as soon as you can. You can send UCR an email saying you want to cancel your cancellation as you intend to withdraw your SIR to UCSB tomorrow. Send this second email to UCR now (before midnight) and contact UCSB tin the morning - sleep on this.

@CADREAMIN my UCR portal says that my application is cancelled… does this mean my acceptance is totally gone? They processed my cancellation quicker than I thought and my emails and calls never got through. However, they said if I have any questions about my cancellation I could contact?? Is this a possible chance to take it back?

You need to talk to them ASAP. Keep calling. You may hold for a very long time. But you need to talk to someone there.

@CADREAMIN it was too late. I was a bit disappointed because they had said if I had mailed my SIR they could readmit me. However, since I did it on their portal they cannot which I thought was weird. They said I could appeal if I feel that my application was cancelled in error but I dont’t know if it’s worth it and I’m not even sure how to write it. I still have UCSB as my back up school, but I was really hoping to stay local. Thank you so much though!

Will PM you

Left you some instructions in a PM if you really want to pursue UCR - just make sure what you want to do before you contact them again. On a side note, UCSB is wonderful, so either way, you are in a great school. Hope it works out the way you want it to!