<p>I have what might be a really dumb question. </p>
<p>I am at a CCC and doing great, other than 1 thing and that is MATH! I failed the placement test during my first quarter. </p>
<p>If I have to take math 108, the class leading up to statistics, is this going to look bad on my transcript?</p>
<p>I am a sociology major. My only math requirement is stats. so I can take math 108 over summer then stats in fall. </p>
<p>Please help!!! Thanks</p>
<p>They don’t look at the untransferable course work. I asked the UCLA admission rep and he said that they just simply cross it out.</p>
<p>It won’t matter. It only matters if you are completing your transferable math during the spring prior to transferring. They will look at your prerequisite non-transferable math classes and determine if you will pass your last math class (If you have straight A’s). But you do not have to worry about that since you will complete the math class way before Spring.</p>
<p>I had a very similar situation, had to take the nontransferable algebra class, but because classes were always filled by the time my registration appointment came, it took me until last fall to finally get into the class (even trying at other CCs nearby!). So I am taking the transferable statistics class right now. This fact didn’t prevent me from being accepted at UCI.</p>
<p>I have heard this can be a problem at UCSB.</p>
<p>I am still waiting to hear from UCSD and UCLA.</p>
<p>Good luck!!</p>
<p>Thanks everyone! I am seeing my counselor next week.</p>
<p>I would hope that math is not so important for a soc major. But we all know how competitive the transfer process is these days
<p>Best of luck</p>
<p>Question, for your major, do they give you an alt stats class? I am a Poli Sci major and they gave me the option of Math 108 and Econ 208 to fulfill my pre req for stats. Mind you Econ 208 is business and statistics. I would check on Assist because you may be able to just take that one instead of two math classes!</p>
<p>No, the UCs (even Berkeley and LA) will most definitely not ding you for having to take remideal math. You just need to do well in those classes and be on track to finish a transferable math before the summer of the year you transfer. I took a class called “intermediate algebra” before I took stats, and so far I have acceptances for UC San Diego, Davis, and Santa Cruz.</p>
<p>Also, I did want to say that math is important for a socio major. Don’t get the impression that it isn’t; literally the entire science of sociology is dependent upon statistics. You will understand this once you take the class.</p>
<p>Ok! Thanks everyone. I see how statistics is important for sure; since only one math is required I was just wondering exactly how important it was but once I get to upper divison classes I’m sure I’ll get it!!! At a glance soc just seems so non math oriented.</p>
<p>math 108 is the exact math I might end up in! it’s just tough cause I missed a quarter for medical/mental health reasons. I even had some memory loss. (Seemingly in math only as far as academics go because my reading comp, writing, etc is all up to par.)
So in the end it’s probably better that I take the non transferable just to build up my skills again.</p>
<p>THANKS AGAIN!!!</p>
<p>On the UCLA website it specifically says that we need stats! :-)</p>