UC students - where would I have a better summer session experience?

Hi all,

I’m a college junior in Spain majoring in Pre-Med. I attended summer session at UCSD a couple years ago and I had a wonderful experience. I want to take summer session once again, but in a different UC.

What I’m basically looking for in the summer: beach close to the campus (I love surfing), chill people, and great weather! The quality of the teaching is obviously a priority as well, but I don’t think it will dissapoint, whatever the UC.

I was thinking UCSC or UCSB? Or UCB… Although the campus is not as close to the beach, is it?

Any advice would be welcome!!

Berkeley is not near the beach (maybe 45 min by car to get to a surfing beach). UCSC is but it can be quite cool and foggy in the summer. Santa Barbara would have the best weather of the 3. I’m not sure how the surfing is there, hopefully someone else will chime in.

The water in Northern California is cold, and as it’s been pointed out, not close to a beach with surfing. I would vote for UCSB. It’s warm, has a great downtown area, and is pretty relaxed. Its very close to a small airport and other forms of public transportation. Camping and wine country are close by as well.

Technically there is a shoreline about 10-20 minutes from the UC-Berkeley campus, but no beach. Can sail but no surfing.

UCSB, UCI, UCSC, UCLA are your 4 choices given your criteria. All good for summer. UCSB I would lean towards simply because it’s right on the beach, whereas the other 3 are a 10-20 minute drive (assuming no traffic, which never happens).

I agree— UCSB sounds like a great fit. There are still many students that stay for summer sessions, so it should be a fun summer. The college town where the students live is called “Isla Vista”, and there are many students that sublet their apartments/houses for the summer (any houses on Del Playa with an odd numbered address will be on the beach). Enjoy the summer!

UC-Santa Barbara.

UCSB is a good call, but there’s not much surf there in the summer (the Channel Islands block most of the summer swells). If surfing is truly a priority, then UCI could be worth a look, lots of south swells firing in OC in the summer. But you’d need a car to make it all work.

Looks like UCSB would be a great fit according to most of you. Glad you mentioned the housing - wouldn’t it be better to live in the University Apartments over the summer, instead of IV? I know I’ll be going in the summer and the campus will be quieter, but I’d still like to get social.

I’ve heard of Santa Ynez apartments - seems pretty far, but all right as long as I can bring a skateboard. Do you think it’d be a good option?

And I was expecting more votes for UCSC - their campus seems beautiful!! Not so sure about the social life over the summer.

UC-Santa Cruz should be a great experience as well as UC-Santa Barbara.

@anacabo I think either housing option will work! Isla Vista tends to be a happening little college town, even in the summer (it’s not uncommon for students to stay to work, take classes over the summer), so I think you’ll have no trouble meeting people. The closer to the ocean (Del Playa Street), the typically the more social the street, so something to consider when you’re finding an apartment/house to sublet. I never lived in the Santa Ynez apartments (they were definitely much quieter than life in Isla Vista), so maybe others can give perspective. I think either way, you’ll enjoy the college town and have no trouble meeting people. UCSC is also a definite option! The weather is colder, and I’m less familiar with student housing options, but it’s definitely a beautiful place to visit!

Isla Vista looks like heaven for someone who loves the beach <3 I’m guessing there is a facebook group for subleasing? Thank you so much for the info, I’m going to look into it!!

@anacabo I’m sure there is! You might want to start another post on a UCSB thread and I bet some current students can help you navigate summer subleases. Good luck and enjoy!