UC TAG -30 Unit Transfer Credit Question

Hello. Currently, I am a student that’s transferred from a CSU to a CCC and am planning to transfer to a UC by Fall of 2018. I have a question about TAG. The requirement for it is that you must complete 30 transferable units by the end of summer 2017 for Fall 2018 admission. Since CSU’s and UC’s don’t have agreements and I can’t chek the transferrable courses directly online, will the units from my CSU count towards the TAG requirement of 30 units? Do all 30 units have to be taken at a community college? The courses I took at the CSU were Chicano Studies (3units), CS 1010(3units), Calculus 1(5units), and English 1010(3 units). After checking assist.org, only Calc 1 and English 1010 had equivalent courses at my CCC.

Even if you got credit for all the classes you listed that is only 14 units. Where do the other 16 come from?

BTW you probably get more replies if you post this in the UC transfers forum

I took 14 units in Fall of 2016(CSU), 6 units in Winter 2017(CCC), and 14 units this Spring(CCC). I’m planning to take 6 units this coming Summer too. So that will add up to more than 30 units, unless the CSU courses don’t count.

Good idea! I’ll do that. Thanks!

Go to assist.org and check out the school you came from and compare it to the school you’d like to transfer to (ex: CSUN to UCLA) and they’ll have an articulation of the classes you need to complete in order to transfer there (it’s done by major, so I’m not sure about GEs, but if you’ve done any major prep you should see your classes there). If you’ve taken classes listed on that articulation that the school of your choice requires, then they should transfer over. Hopefully that helps!