Following your high school graduation, has there been a time when you were not enrolled in a college/university for one or more terms?
I am not attending college this fall 2015 and spring 2016. Do i still answer no? Or do I answer yes? It says were so I’m still confused.
When did you graduate HS?
If you did not attend the fall and spring immediately after HS, then you mark ‘yes’.
How are you TAGging if you are not going to be in school this year?
Did you go directly to college the fall after high school? That is what they are asking.
@lindyk8 @luckie1367 guys i finished two years at a CC. I finished 66 units and i dont need any more classes. So do i still mark yes since i havent missed any terms besides the current one (fall 2015)
Well it looks like you will have this upcoming year off, so that’s a gap.