UC Test Scores Questions


A few questions because the UC site is a bit unclear.

  1. I took both the ACT and SAT. I want to only send my SAT score, though. Is this okay, or do I have to send both ACT and SAT? (i will send ALL SAT scores). Pretty sure I can do this since the website says to send "SAT or ACT" scores. Just want to confirm.
  2. I have a not-so-good subject test score. I want to use Score Choice to not send this. Since UCs don't require subject tests, will I be okay voiding this out?
  3. If I do void it out, will the UCs know that I used score choice? I will obviously send all of my SAT scores, but don't want this to send off a notification or alert that makes them think I'm hiding SAT scores when not sending a SAT II.


  1. Confirmed
  2. You will be ok
  3. I don’t think the UCs will know