UC to UC Transfer Using TAG?


<p>I am currently a sophomore in UCSC and I want to transfer to UCD for Fall 2014. My UC GPA is 3.18 and overall GPA is 3.26 since I took a class in a community college over this summer. Up to Spring 2013, I have completed 49 quarters and I believe by Spring 2014 I would finish the 90 quarter requirement.</p>

<p>My major in UCSC is Neuroscience and I am applying for Neuroscience, Physiology, and Behavior major for UCD. Does it affect my chances of acceptance if my current major and chosen major are similar? </p>

<p>Moreover, I have met and will complete the requirements for UCD College of Biological Sciences by Spring 2014. Do I have high chances of admission based on my GPA and completed courses?</p>

<p>Few days ago, a friend of mine from UCSB received an email from UCD TAG program that says she is guaranteed of admission of a major of her choice by submitting a TAG application. So does TAG program works for UC student who wants to transfer as well?</p>

<p>I have started my TAP application mainly because I want to try it out and it would be nice if I can know the result earlier. However, if TAP and TAG does not work with UC students who want to transfer, I will just prepare for UC Application instead.</p>

<p>Thanks for replying!</p>

<p>Iā€™m 99% confident TAG is only open to community college transfer applicants. It must have been a generic email sent to all student or something.</p>

<p>TAG is for CC students only.

If</a> your friend at UCSB got that email then it means she has somehow led them to believe she is a CC student.</p>