UC Tuition Could Rise 16% Annually for Next Four Years

<p>Although this thread was begun in the fall, I find it completely relevant right now when our children who were LUCKY enough to get in a UC have to now commit with the knowledge that they face massive hikes just to get through their four years–and they still have to deal with 450 or more in a lecture. I’m thinking of going the way of Boquist1 and encouraging my son, the 3rd generation UC Kid, to abandon ship. The Regent Rats are running amok.</p>

<p>^ no, the legislature rats are running amok.</p>

<p>I’m curious - does the UC have a management company set up to manage the endowment? I know that the campuses’ endowments are split, such that part of it is under their control and the other part is under the control of the Regents. Is the latter part managed by a dedicated company? Berkeley set up a management company for its endowment and has recently posted gains comparable to or exceeding elite private universities’ returns.</p>

<p>^^Exactly. The Regents just do what is politically expedient, since the Legislature controls the purse strings. Even tho the Legislature just funds <50% of UC budget…</p>