UC UC UC Chances

<p>here are my stats what do u think my chances are for these schools</p>

UCLA (mabe)
Cal Poly Slo

<p>I plan to major in biomedical engineering</p>

<p>GPA 4.3 UC 3.76 (UW), vast improvement between 1st semiester and 2ed semiester freshmen year.
SAT I 1400 (730M, 670V)
Math IIc 780
physics 720
Writeing 540 :( (retook scores pending)
US Hist (expects high 700s)</p>

<p>AP tests AP Euro 3, AP physics b 4, ap us 5, ap bio, ap chem, ap calc (probably bc), ap econ micro and macro.</p>

<p>current courses
Ap bio
Ap chem
english IV
Ap econ
Ap calc ab
photo as an art

<p>ecs (main ones short discription)
wrestling- frosh soph league champ 10th grade
BSA- eagle expected soon
FSEA- president 11th grade vp 12th, built rovs and robotic mice
about 130h service including eagle project
many others but these are the main ones</p>

<p>oh yeah i forgot to add that i have tutored math and currently employed as a bistra. also i have elc.</p>

<p>If you're instate, you have an excellent shot at all of the schools on your list. Biggest reach will be UCB, but it is for everyone. Remember - the UC's won't care about freshman year so that won't be held against you. Of course, that's just my guestimate. No one can really predict your chances with 100% certainty - but you should do well. Best of luck.</p>

<p>yeah i kno that they dont consider them as far as gpa, but i included this because one of the criteria they stated was improveing trend in grades.</p>

<p>how much will a bad writing score affect my admissions to an engineering major?</p>


<p>A bad writing score will affect your admission chances just as much as in any other major.</p>

<p>UCLA: Slight Reach (Bioengineering)
UCB: Slight Reach (Bioengineering)
UCSD: Match (Bioengineering)
UCI: Safety
Cal Poly SLO: Safety</p>