<p>Actually, i recall the UC application asking me if i was in good standing with previous institutions in the application. By previous school, UCD Admissions was referring to NJIT not SMC. SMC is your current school.</p>
<p>I remember it differently, but unfortunately the information is excluded from the application review for some reason.</p>
<p>I have reviewed previous paper applications, the current application, and the application update. The only mention of standing is in the application update from January and is as follows:</p>
<p>“Are you now or have you ever been on academic probation at a University of California campus?”</p>
<p>This is not the case for me.</p>
<p>“Are you now or have you ever been on academic probation at any school other than a University of California campus?”</p>
<p>At no point in the application does it distinguish from whether you are now or have ever been on academic probation, so without transcripts which are received after acceptance/rejection, the school is unaware of my current standing at my previous institution other than reported grades.</p>
<p>I am confused at what you are saying… The UC’s want to basically know if you have ever been on academic probation at any school… It’s true that they will not know until they receive your transcripts, however if it is not disclosed on your application and it comes up on your transcript then they can rescind your acceptance… believe me, I have seen it done before.</p>
<p>“so without transcripts which are received after acceptance/rejection, the school is unaware of my current standing at my previous institution other than reported grades.”</p>
<p>Without your transcripts you could also say you have a 4.0 and they wouldn’t know until after they accepted you. try doing this and see how it turns out.</p>
<p>…with the extremely drastic difference in that I have not deceived them in anyway, and provided all information asked for with accuracy. Yes, they could rescind my acceptance, but somehow I don’t think doing such a thing in the given circumstances would make any sense to them, not to mention to me. They will be full aware of my poor performance in the distant past. Why would one word on a transcript, that really doesn’t shed light on anything knew, cause them to rescind an acceptance? Not to mention I can not find any statement anywhere on any of the UC Admission sites that suggests that good standing at a previous college is a “requirement.” Meaning, if it is not a “requirement”, than they are “able” or “allowed” to admit a person such as myself.</p>
<p>To clarify Luv, </p>
<p>Yes, the fact that I have in the past been on academic probation IS on my application. The fact that my status was “academic suspension” when I left, and that that is my current status is not on my application because there was not a question that asked about current status. I have omitted nothing. </p>
<p>The point to all of this is long lost and I don’t feel like connecting the dots again, but I do appreciate your interest and help very much.</p>
<p>From the UC Update:</p>
<p>“Are you now or have you ever been on academic probation at any school other than a University of California campus?”</p>
<p>A student could have been in school for 3 years, have a GPA above 3.5, and still have been on academic probation for a semester. The point being, the application fails to secure information specific to current standing at past schools. This relates to what UCD said, which was that if I was not in good standing at my previous school, then I could not be admitted. My point was that they will not know what my standing at my previous school is until after they have made the initial decision. Hence, I found UCD’s post confusing.</p>
<p>I think I might understand what you are saying… sorry, I’m a little slow these days. The reason why I asked you that was because I had previously been on progress probation in one semester several years ago. When the application asked about academic probation, I was also confused because at the CCC I went to they had two types of probation (academic, progress). I checked the box no but then I also put an explanation in the box below to advise the adcoms that I had been on progress probation but not academic… the admissions adviser later told me that it was really good that I put an explanation on there to clarify. I know my situation was different from yours but I think it’s a good idea to let them know about anything that might potentially come up.</p>
<p>Yes, our situations are different, but still a valid point. I referred to my previous failings substantially in my statements, and then replied correctly to the question on the update. I’m hoping that I will not need to do anything else if I am able to get NJIT to change my status. For now, I have not withheld anything, and I’m hoping that is enough. That being said, there is a box for comments in the section that inquires about previous probation, and I will keep your suggestion in mind (though at the moment I am not sure what I should say other than it was a decade ago!). Thanks again.</p>
<p>I highly doubt you would get into a top tier UC if you were suspended from a previous college, regardless of how long ago it was.</p>
<p>When the UC update form asks about academic probation, isn’t that entirely different from suspension? </p>
<p>I remember reading that nowhere on the UC app do they ask about suspension or even expulsion. I thought academic probation simply means ur GPA for one semester is less than a 2.0? And if it continues to be below a 2.0 for longer than a semester, then you are subject to dismissal?</p>
<p>Yes, different, though it is unlikely that someone would get suspended without having first been on probation. </p>
<p>I believe that you are correct and correct.</p>