<p>Yesterday I was unlucky enough to be one of the few UC applicants who had to verify my ECs. They asked me to verify my library volunteer hours and the number I put down is far greater than how much I actually did. What I put down was that I worked in the library during the '07 '08 and '09 summers and I did 6 hours a week for 8 weeks. That should add up to 48 hours per summer. I actually did 25 hours during '07 and 29 '08. During '09 I worked in a different library, but it was part of the same exact program so I put them all in one; I don't know exactly how many hours I worked in this one. </p>
<p>I've contacted both of the libraries and I am going to come in on Monday to speak to them for a letter of proof. Here's the thing: is it possible that they write something vague like "he volunteered 2 shifts a week for the entire summer." So that the numbers 25 and 29 don't show up? Even if the UCs get my really low numbers, is my EC going to be cut off or something? I'm going to try to ask for a letter that doesn't really specify numbers, but I am pretty sure that they are going to include it. What do I do?</p>
<p>This is tough…</p>
<p>When you received the letter from the UCs asking for verification, to what extent did they ask for proof? Did they require just a signature, or needed a letter w/ a letterhead?</p>
<p>It all depends on your situations, like are you close with the supervisor? If so, perhaps you can tell them exactly how you would like your letter to be written.</p>
<p>I would ask the Library to verify that you were on their volunteer roles. Anything more than that is an invasion of privacy, and the Library might have to legally treat it as they would a past employment inquiry: Date of Hire, Name of Position, date of Separation. That is all an employer can legally divulge these days or else they risk being sued for defamation.</p>
<p>something like:</p>
<p>Mr. XX was a volunteer beginning XX June, 2007, until XX Aug, 2007. He was again a volunteer xxxx. et.</p>
<p>So I should just ask for a statement declaring that I volunteered at the libraries during these summers? Avoid trying to get the bad numbers down and that’s it? It seems as though they would put down the number of hours whether or not I ask for it or not for it.</p>